Chapter 2

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  'Man oh man, did I mess up today. How can you see me in a young merchant's son's disguise!? And on the top of that, isn't almost impaling me with a sword a little over the to?' I thought to myself as I sprinted full out through the crowded merchants' market. 

  I was only trying to get some bread. You know, like actually buy it, feed my starving brothers, and sister, and dad. But, no , they want my family to starve. I mean, what the heck. Neither me nor my family has done anything wrong at all, yet, they act as if we've, more likely, I've killed someone in cold blood. So now that the backstory of what happened is out of the way, back to the time at hand. I was running out of energy and I wasn't even close to home. I had left money there, so even if they didn't catch me, they'd still get their money, being the greedy pigs they are. They were gaining on me and in a desperate attempt to get ahead, I ducked under a low building ran with half of my body bent over so I wouldn't hit my head on the ceiling. The doorway was getting closer and I thought I was home free, but then, I stubbed my toe on a rock, and rolled head over heels straight through the doorway and rammed into something hard and screechy. I squeaked," I'm sorry," bowing my head in apology before helping her up and resuming my escape. All I could tell was that it was a girl. Probably my age. She was just like the rest, most likely. 

I blinked back a few tears when I thought about it. But I pulled myself together and arrived at my house just in time to eat dinner, which I had brought. Father greeted me with a nod and my sister and twin brothers laughed when they saw the bread I bought, as innocent as can be. I smiled, and laughed with them. I gave each and everyone of my family a full piece of bread. There wasn't any left when it was my turn to get one. My sister, Hai, offered some hers to me, but I just smiled bitterly, and said," no, you need it more, Hai. Eat up." 

     She cried," please, Daddy, make him eat. He'll die if he doesn't." Father looked up at me and said quietly," you really should eat something. You don't want to leave Hai, Carmen, and Florence to fend for themselves, do you?" I looked down," I'd rather have them with bellies, than starving because their older brother ate all the food. I'm fine, just eat." And with that, I left, jogging up the rickety stairs into my alcove. I could feel a deep hunger in the pit of my stomach, and I hugged my abdomen in pain, feeling the tears roll down my face. 

    I felt dead. No, I wished I was dead. 

      I was worthless. I was an outcast. And my family suffered because of it. Every issue that has happened has been my fault. I might as well be dead, was all I thought. I wonder what my siblings will look like when they grow up. I thought that frequently. I firmly believed that I'd be dead in the next few years. I had resolved not to tell anyone about the strange seizures I've been having. I've had them at school, while my siblings slept, and while I walked down the street. When they happened, strange images filled my head and I was broken into a cold sweat for hours. But even though I kept it secret, the other students became even worse with the bullying , as if they knew I was about to die and they actually wanted to put me out of my misery. 

    I closed my eyes sometime while I was thinking and what I dreamt of disturbed me greatly. 

                   A demon stood before me on one side, an angel on the other. They both beckoned me to them and I was torn between who to choose, because they could be in disguise, or they could try to trick me. The demon spoke to me in a soft, feathery voice," we are your power. You must choose how you will use us. Will you fight like a demon for justice, or will you heal like an angel to keep your friends alive? You must choose." The angel smiled at me and repeated in a slithery smooth voice," you must choose." The words hammered in my mind and I finally roared," I choose both of you!" They\ voices stopped and they both turned to me again," you can only choose one," they said in unison. I whispered," but I want to do both. I want to fight for justice and honor, and I want to heal my friends, keep them safe, if ever get any. And I want to protect my family most of all." The demon opened his eyes. They were made of pure light. The angel opened her eyes. They were pools of deep black. 

     The demon and the angel whispered," touch our hands." They held out their hands. As if I was in a trance, I lightly touched tips of their palms and then a surge of power ripped through me faster than I could blink. 

      I screamed and my dream shattered into a nightmare. My family was burning to ashes in front of my eyes, and the village was burning to the ground. My little sister Hai was in my arms, coughing up blood and whispering," don't cry, big brother Odo. I will be with you in heart. I will see you in the heavens." I watched her die and crumble to dust in my arms. I watched my twins brothers die next to her, my father scream in anger at me and blaming me for their deaths before I left the house. Tears stung on my face and I howled in pain. 

My eyes shot open and the world came back to reality, my sister Hai, laying dead at my side.

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