On To Wonderland

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Up there is a collage of all the characters (I can't find some gender bend pictures D:) Some aren't in the story yet ;D ^^

On To Wonderland:

"Madeline Hatter are you even listening to me?" asks my mother with her hands on her hips as she tries to give me a hard stare.

Key word: tries.

"Honestly ,no I am not." I say as I pack my bags for C.O.F . C.O.F is the camp I'm supposed to go to that's called Camp Of Wonder (aka Wonderland) because it's apparently bad to threaten a student to drink their blood in a teacup even though they totally deserve it. I put the last pair of socks in the suitcase I'm packing and sit on it to make sure it doesn't open up.

Mom sighs. "I just don't know why I try" she mumbles as she walks out the door, probably thinking I didn't hear her. I hear her sigh again when I laugh.

A few seconds after Mom leaves my room I walk out my room and wander around the hallways of 'my home'. I sigh as I reach the stairs of my house.

As I walk down I look to see if anyone is around.

'I knew it,' I thought bitterly 'no one even cares that I'm leaving.'

Reaching the door, i take one last look of the place. I smile a little when I realize that the place has changed a lot since 13 year old me walked through the first door for the first time.

My fingers tighten around the door knob as I try to rid myself of the memories. I slowly open the door and walk out, ready to leave for camp.


I fidget with my green skirt and try to tuck my unruly bright orange hair into my top hat while I wait for the next teen to get on the bus i'm on. I look up when I see someone sit in the empty seat next to me. The girl is wearing a bunny headband, white gloves, a black trench coat, a short black skirt, white pumps, an old fashioned monocle, and holding a watch.

"It's about time I got to go to this camp" she said in a high pitched voice and I raised my eyebrow.

'She wanted to come here?' I think as I look at her with a no doubt utterly confused expression "Why do you want to go the camp?" I asked bewildered.

"What other place lets us dress the way we want?" The girl says with a 'duh' expression on her face, as if was the reason everyone came here.

"Oh and I forgot" she thrust her gloved hand toward me and I shaked it "My name is Whitney Rabbit, what's yours?" Whitney asked me as she tilted her head. I almost laughed at her funny looking expression but I knew it was a bad idea. My laugh makes people... uncomfortable and sometimes can even give them horrible migraines so I just smiled with my slightly crooked teeth. "My name is Maddie Hatter" I said as I tipped my hat at her.

The bus stopped and we all fled out the cramped bus , pushing and shoving before we were all finally out of the bus. I looked at the camp and whistled "this looks absolutely nothing like the brochure" I whispered to the girl next to me.

"What place ever does?" The girl says with a cigarette in her mouth (A/N: DON'T SMOKE KIDS!). I look at her too see that she has long brown hair in a complicated bun, a long blue dress with two big butterflies on it, white glasses, and weird blue markings on her face. "Hey my names Crawling Pider,but just call me Crawl. Crawl says looking at me.

I adjust my big toe as I say "My name is Maddie Hatter nice to meet you" Crawl nods and flicks her cig. I don't bother to tell her to put it away, cause I doubt that she would listen.

I sigh and look at all the kids around me.

This is gonna be one LONG summer

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