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Hello and I'm Aunica Avont. Today is my birthday so me, my younger sister, my mom, and my friend Haylee are going to Sydney, Australia.  I'm 16 right now and I will be 17 in 6 hours.  Right now I'm on the plane listening To Cher Loyds song "Super Hero". I grabbed my phone and looked at Twitter, she had just gotten about 100k notifications. The first one said @Luke5SOS followed you! Aunica thought that she should look at his profile, so she clicked on it. As soon as it loaded he was extremely surprised because he was extremely attractive! Then her phone vibrated so she clicked on it and there was a DM from @Luke5SOS . It said
@Luke5SOS: hey :-)

Aunica decided to reply saying:

@AunicaLovesBands: hello....

@Luke5SOS : What?...I'm just trying to talk to a pretty girl 😏

Aunica blushed at his comment and replied

@AunicaLovesBands: awe thx! Your pretty attractive yourself

@Luke5SOS: thx 😘 so what country do u live in?

@AunicaLovesBands : Um I'm on my way to Australia rn.. hbu?

@Luke5SOS : same... 😘

@Luke5SOS : you have a snapchat?
@AunicaLovesBands : yeh it's aunicawithpenguins 

A/N Hai babes it your author here :) did ya like it?  I hope ya did!  I will try and update as soon as possible!

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