Chapter 18

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"Where the hell is Austin in all of this?" Ralston swept the magazine from his desk and swore aloud.

"The party just didn't show, Ralston. There was nothing Austin could do about it." Julia picked up the magazine and placed it in the rack beside the TV.

"Why the hell not? He had her name, and we know it was that little twit from the institute that set it up." He swung around to face his desk, and leaned on his forearms. "Jesus, what incompetent jerks I've got around here."

Julia chose a seat opposite the desk and sat, crossing her legs. "I certainly hope you aren't including me in that statement, Ralston.

"He waggled his eyebrows and leered. "Naw, you ain't incompetent, Julia, you're my personal jerk."

"How romantic, Ralston. I don't understand how women can resist you."

He laughed and sat back, hands locked behind his head. "They can't. They love money too much."

"At least you understand your true attraction." She watched him steadily.

His eyes narrowed and a hard smile locked on his face. "I permit a certain amount of liberalism in this office, Julia but don't forget - ever - who the boss is. I can take so much, and then I strike back." He pushed away from hi desk and stood, going to the door and slipping the bolt and then lifting the receiver off his telephone.

"That's not good for business - boss."

"No, but this will be." He pulled her to her feet and mashed his mouth against hers. "My business anyway."


Vera answered the telephone and passed it to her father with a lewd face and a twinkle in her eye.


"Austin, it's Julia."

"Julia, how are you, my dear!"

"Where are we with the film business?"

"Well, I'm still exploring avenues, I--"

"Move faster, Austin or you'll be moving alone. I cannot take much more of Ralston Hughes."

"Julia, what happened?"

"More of the same - too much more of the same. I'm done with it, Austin. If we're going to pursue our discussions it has to happen now."

Austin caught the sly look on his daughter's face, and he turned away as he said his goodbye. "Let me call you tomorrow by noon. Please, Julia, bear with me for that long."

"Until noon." The phone went dead.

"Daddy has a girlfriend!"

"She is a business associate, dear. We're having some problems with our employer regarding this film thing."

"Mmhmm, I see." She performed a perfect cartwheel into the dining room and disappeared into the kitchen beyond.

Austin picked up his phone again and dialled Harry.


"We're in a motel on the lakeshore, Douglas is with him now, I stepped outside to answer. What's up?"

"Have you had any success?"

"He claims the broad stood him up; we both know why that happened. Otherwise, he doesn't know anything."

"Are you certain?"

"He had a broken hand when we picked him up . . . now he has two. Trust me, Austin, he doesn't know anything."

"Right. Get onto the restoration company then. Things have happened that require a quicker solution to this enterprise."

"How far do we go?"

"I want the original film, period." He hung up and rubbed his face. Violence didn't really bother Austin, but he preferred a more civilized outcome to his dealings. In this case though, his anticipation of a relationship with Julia and the possibilities they'd discussed, made it a most viable option. He called Vera and asked her to sit and pay close attention to his thoughts.


Mary was sitting on the couch watching the news when Peter arrived, and he tossed his jacket on the chair, hopped across the rug and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm home, dear, is dinner ready?"

"Somewhere," she responded lazily.

"But not here?"

"Nope. Thought you might take me out."

"And I would do that because?"

"You love me, and you want desperately to please me."

"And because I want to go on that trip with you."

"I see. If there's something in it for you it's okay."

"You nailed it, babe. Where do you want to go?"


"Ugh, but okay... Ziggies it is." He went toward the kitchen and saw the light on his answering machine flashing. "Why didn't you get this?" He pushed the button and listened.

Mary sat huddled on the couch, arms around her knees. Her face was a mask of concern and fear as she listened to Peter tell her about the call. Harv was at the police station making out a break-in report and was less than thrilled with the damage done to his equipment.

All his client's films had been ransacked which made it abundantly clear what the break-in was about, as well he couldn't find Cheryl anywhere and was very worried. He told Peter that he hadn't mentioned anything about Cheryl or the film but if things got any worse he would give up the story in a heartbeat, meanwhile, he wanted help in finding Cheryl.

"Give it up, Peter. This is getting way out of hand."

"I have to help him find Cheryl first then we'll consider what to do."

"Peter! These people are obviously dangerous, you need to tell the police."

"Tell them what, Mare? Harv didn't tell them and if I run tattling he'll be in the soup with the cops."

"Then just give them the film. Where is it?"

"It's safe, that's all you need to know."

"I can't believe this. You act like one of your damned movies; the hero know it all goes it alone." She picked up her purse and checked inside for something.

"Mare what do you expect me to do? I don't want to get Harv--"

"Tell the truth."

"The truth? Do you know who Ralston Hughes is? Without any substantial information about these people that would just lead to a lot of grief for all of us. If something else raises its ugly head we'll respond."

"Respond how?"

"Jesus, I don't know, Mary! However we have to."

"Oh! Well if that's all that's needed then I guess you don't need me around here any more." She got up and began gathering her things.

"Mare, what are you doing? Mare, for cryin' out loud..." He watched as she went to the bedroom, returning a moment later with her carry all. "You're leaving?"

"I'm going to my place."

"Is this something permanent?"

"That's up to you, Peter." She grabbed her jacket, tossed a set of keys on the sofa and went out the door.

"Thanks, Mary! Thanks a million. Shit!" He slammed the door and slipped the bolt home viciously.

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