Grey's Tribute

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By rmills75

He was a wild animal cutting down anything that came in his path towards me.

His icy glaze paralyzed me, holding me hostage, all i could do is watch, I tried to will myself to walk away, to move, to take myself to safety.

I was firmly rooted, my heavy legs felt like anchors weighing me down, holding me in place.

His eyes were baptized in colors of light silver and deep grey, the closer he came the more vibrant they became.

Grabbing the back of my neck he pulled my face towards him, his noise a fraction from mine. He looked at me in the eyes and made one thing clear "your mine."

Meela has always been stubborn more stubborn than most....when the alpha of the northern tribe demands her as tribute will she surrender to his demands or will her stubbornness eventually lead to their demise?

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