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I walked through the halls of Erudite, in search for another book to read, because I had finished the last 3 I had borrowed from my friend Emily.

I stared at my feet as I walked, clueless about my surroundings. Just lost in the movement of my feet tapping against the tiles.

I looked up to see where I was, but I was met with another body.

I slammed into what seems to be another Erudite boy, dropping all of my books with a loud thud, thud, thud.

"Oh, I'm so sorry-" I began apologizing in a panicked manner, until I was interrupted.

"Don't worry about it." The male said, in a deep, and I have to admit, kinda sexy, voice that sent shivers down my spine.

He picked up my books and handed them to me, giving me a chance to get a good look at him.

His hair was dirty blonde, and slicked back to keep it from going in all directions. And his eyes... they were blue, a gorgeous blue that seemed to fit him. He was tall, much taller than I was. He had at least a good 7 inches on me.

Before I could make out anything else about him, he waved his hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts as I blushed a bright scarlet.

I pressed my books up against my chest, as if I was hugging them, and continued down the hallway, brushing past the boy without another word.

Until he grabs my arm.

"I never got your name." He said with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow. As if to say, "What are you playing at?" But I told him anyway.

"I'm Stephanie. Stephanie Fall." I say, looking into his eyes. They held various emotions in them. Ones I couldn't quite make out.

"I'm Eric." He replies, letting go of my arm and standing up straight.

"Nice to meet you, Eric. But I better get going, my mother will be worried if I'm not home." I didn't want to leave, I wanted to know more about this boy. But it didn't matter anyway. He'll probably run off to another faction and I'll never see his face again.

"It was nice meeting you too, Stephanie. I'll see you around." And with that, he was gone.


A few months after the day I met Eric, I became good friends with him. Best friends even. We spent time with one another whenever we could, and read together at the library.

But that all changed.

I had my nose in a book about cattle and other animals they raise in Amity farms, when Eric walked into the library.

I looked up and smiled at the sight of him.

"Hey Stephanie." He said, taking a seat next to me.

I set down my book beside me. "Hi!" I said cheerfully. I was in a good mood, which rarely happened.

"Can I... talk to you about something?" Eric asked.

I rose an eyebrow, smiling a little. But he looks serious. "What about?" I finally say.

"Look, I really like you, Stephanie. And it has been amazing being your friend, but I want to be more than that." He says, leaning in a little bit.

I lean back, not wanting any of what was coming my way. "Listen, Eric, I really like you too. But I'm afraid I'm not ready for something like this." I look away, holding back a few tears.

When I look back, the man sitting in front of me didn't seem to be Eric anymore. The man who sat before me was enraged. I knew Eric as a gentle man. Not.... this.

"Fine." He said in a calm tone, but his eyes said otherwise. "Be that way."

"Eric I wasn't trying-" I started, but he cut me off before I could say anymore.

"Just shut up!" He shouts, startling me. A few tears fall from my eyes as he storms put of the room.

This isn't Eric anymore.

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