Cupcakeneoncream Dares

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Spring trap listen to Baka remix BB who is the most beautiful thing in Freddy's Mangle listen to spriye and monsters Chika sing i heart hello kitty to T.Bonnie Bonnie kick G.Freddy in the worst place

Spring trap: ok imma be at a table

BB: Foxy hide me *hides behind foxy*

Foxy: wh- wow ok ummm so it said that you think 'BB's the most beautiful thing in Freddy's' ummmm i think he's creeped out

BB: hide me

Foxy: ok *pats BB's head* its ok

Chika: ok *starts to sing*

T.Bonnie: this might be a while

Bonnie: *kicks G.Freddy 'there'*

G.Freddy: OH YOU LITTLE- *goes towards Bonnie*

Bonnie: oh no *walks backwards and bake hits wall*

Foxy: BB wait here G.Freddy calm down

G.Freddy: no he must die

Foxy: WHAT NO *grabs G.Freddy arm and try's to hold him back*

G.Freddy: i wait for no one *keeps walking and gets close but not to close*

Bonnie: FAITH HELP ME!!!

Faith: WHAT WAIT OK HOLD ON *pokes around G.Freddy neck*

Foxy: Faith i respect you but that's-

Faith: Foxy shut up and keep holding him ba- never mind found it *pokes G.Freddy neck*

G.Freddy: *stops walking and calms down*

Bonnie: Faith you saved my life and what did you do to him to calm down

Faith: pressure points every body has one

Spring trap: well i kinda liked the song

Chika: so what ya think

T.Bonnie: i think i godda go

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