I dare Faith to hit purple guy with a pokèball
Foxy: ok purple guy is not in this story but Faith is still gonna do the dare by hitting springtrap with the pokèball so ya you ready?
Faith: *grabs pokèball* so ready
Marionette: be careful
Faith: I will *trows pokèball at springtrap*
Springtrap: OW!!!! THE HELL FAITH?!?!
Faith: sorry dare
Ask and Dare the FNAF Crew
HumorFreddy: ASK AND DARE US Foxy: i don't know what to do Chicka: what some pizza? Bonnie: jas BB: hi Faith: sure Mangle: ask i guess Marionette: ask me Toy Bonnie: Dare Toy Chicka: Dare Toy Freddy:Dare Golden Freddy: Dare Springtrap: im here to