|Chapter 1| Will she wake?

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It was my 16th birthday, this day had finally arrived, I've waited for months for it to arrive, the day I could get my driving lesson from my mum. Her name was Kenzie Darling, oh my I forgot to introduce myself!

The name is Jillian Angela Darling, I just turned 16 about.... Er 2 minutes ago, obviously.

A knock at my bedroom broke me out of my thoughts, my day dream about this figure I saw in my dream, I couldn't make it out what I had exactly saw, but it was certainly something for sure! I yawned quietly as I sat up and ran a hand through my Auburn colored hair. "Who i-is it?" Oh just great a morning voice crack! What a pleasant start, I could already hear someone snickering from the other side of the bedroom door.

"Jillian get your lazy bum out of bed! It is your birthday for god's sake!" My mum yelled with a small laugh. "Oh how could I forget?" I sighed and pulled the covers off of my lower half and slowly stood to my feet. I began walking to my bedroom closet and swung the doors open, of course I rubbed my eyes tiredly right after with a yawn following.

The preps at my school's nightmare arrived in my closet, what the hell do I wear today. A flannel? Oh maybe a dress? No no no, all of this isn't right. I swear to god I never took this long to get ready, may I add, being a girl sucks to high hell!

I finally picked a blank tank top with a green flannel and some skinny jeans. It was a semi-lazy day/birthday thing I guess? After getting dressed I grabbed my hair brush from on top of my dresser and brushed out my hair, I tried to get my hair to be straightened, but it just curls right back into its original form, curly as fuck. I sighed and finally gave up, putting it back where I found it before exciting my bedroom, as I opened the door a smell hit me right in the face, was that bacon?! Papa made the best bacon ever! I loved it to pieces, his eggs were amazing as well, he just made the best breakfast in general!

I found myself drooling a bit, damn my hunger and tastebuds! I began walking down the hall and down the stairs to get to the bottom floor. I took in a small sniff and quickly went to the kitchen. "Papa!" I smiled and saw he was sitting with my mum, eating away. On a single plate that was not near either of them had five strips of bacon, two eggs and pancakes! It seems like this will be a great day!

"Morning Jilly." Papa said with a chuckle as I sat myself next to my parents and already began eating it. "Whoa there, looks like someone is eager to eat the best food ever brought to you by your loving papa!" He smirked, of course he's the best right now! He gave me my favorite breakfast ever!

After I finished I did the least feminine thing ever, I burped like there was no tomorrow! My dad was laughing so hard he spat out his coffee, my mom gasped in disgust. "Jillian Angela Darling! Say excuse me right now!" Her voice cracked this time, you could tell she was trying not to laugh, it failed miserably as she busted into fits of laughter. "See mum! Its funny after all!" I smirked at her, but she straightened her act up quickly and replaced her smile with a frown. "Excuse me Jillian.." I frowned quickly and looked down. "Sorry mum..." I laughed nervously, please still take me to have driving lessons! Please mum, c'mon mummy dearest!

"Ready to go?" My mum asked as she stood up, score! I am saved, hurray for me! I mentally celebrated as I stood up as well. "Of course mummy!" I smiled and followed her out of the house

-An hour later or so-

I already knew how to drive for months now, but now its official practice! This was easy, too bad I can't get my driver's license for another year! Screw you UK, ugh okay I must calm down. I sighed and began turning onto a new road and looked around, why are there so many damn people driving today! It isn't even lunch rush yet, my god this is hell already, way to go me! Driving with maniacs everywhere!

I loved driving believe it or not, (Not the dumb idiots that cut me off or almost hit me of course!) It was a sense of responsibility and a rush of excitement! It made me happy in a way. I soon rolled down the windows to let the breeze run through my hair, my mum didn't like it and rolled hers up. "Too much wind Jill" She said, leaning back. "Okay turn left-"

I began to turn left, the sun was now blocked out for some reason. "Mum why is it so d-" Before I could answer a truck decided to greet the car on my side, I really couldn't tell what was happening, all I could see was tumbling and rushing and glass shattering and then nothing.

I couldn't see a thing, everything was absolutely, utterly black. "Mum? Hello?" I croaked out for my mum, I was scared beyond belief, I couldn't hear or see anything. I saw that I was standing up, only though my clothes were torn in places with scratches in the rips. My neck hurt badly and so did my left side,

I took a step forward in this new room, the sound of my shoes hitting the ground echoed, it made shivers run down my spine, I didn't like this at all.

"Wendy!" I voice behind me yelled, I tensed and turned around. The black figure from my dream was here, so is this a dream, did I black out?

"Wendy Moria Angela Darling!" The male voice yelled, the figure took a step from behind the darkness, he had red hair, and a green attire, a tunic? Really.... What are we in the 1800's? "Wendy?! Don't you remember me?" He asked

"Er... My name isn't Wendy, you must be talking about my great great aunt Wendy," This Boy who seemed to look... 17 possibly stared me down. "What?! Where's Wendy! Where's Jane!" He frowned. "Er... Dead and Dead," Damn Did I had to be that blunt about it? That made me seem like a giant douche.

"Dead! What! I only Jane for a week! She can't be dead! Wait.... Wait... Wait a tiddly second! Who the heck are you?" The boy frowned even more to see I wasn't my older relatives. "Me?"

I took a moment. "My name is Jillian Angela Darling."


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