The Photograph

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The maid's footsteps echoed through the hall as they ran to their room with the oversized camera. Finny whispered to the others with worry as they started to dip the film in the solution. "Guys I don't think Mr. Sebastian is going t-"

"Don't worry 'bout what Sebastian would do to us." Bard lifted the plastic against the light, looking closely at the faded image. Mey-rin peered behind his shoulder. "But.. Why isn't it-"

"Why isn't it what?" Sebastian's voice startled them all.

"O-oh Sebastian what a-are you doing here?" Mey-rin's face slowly started to turn red with embarrassment.

Sebastian gave them the "You're in deep shit now" smile and plucked the film from Bard's hand and examined it closely.

It was a picture of his young master, Ciel, taken from the special camera. Standing next to Ciel in the photograph was himself, the young master's butler. But he wasn't standing there when the photo was taken. Sebastian is in the picture because he's who Ciel apparently cares about the most.
A smile spread across Sebastian's face, this is the only time he appreciated those useless servants.

"Um. Mr. Sebastian... Are you alright?" Finny asked, but all Sebastian did was leave the room with the film.
He walked up to the main floor and throughout the long halls to finally reach Ciel's office. He knocked on the door then entered. The light from the moon entered from the large window and lit the room nicely. "Young lord, you should retire for the day soon." Sebastian suggested but was replied with a simple "I will later."

He stalled in front of his masters desk and waited for Ciel's attention to be taken away from the book he was reading. "What do you want Sebastian?" Ciel looked up at him, slightly annoyed.

Sebastian placed the film in front of him. "The servants took a picture of you with that camera, the one that shows what the person truly cares about in it." Ciel examined he film and Sebastian continued his sentence. "And... I.. Showed up." He looked up at his slightly blushing master to make eye contact with him.

Not a word was said until Ciel's violent blushing spoke for it's self. "Fine. I care for you." Ciel looked at the ground.

"I know that you care for me, young master." He paused and made eye contact with him again. "But how much do you care for me?" His comment just made Ciel blush even more.

He leaned over the desk and softly grabbed Ciel's chin."Do you care enough for me to.." Ciel didn't restrain at all and let Sebastian softly kiss him.

They slowly pulled away and Ciel answered his question. "Yes." Then pulled him in for another passionate kiss.

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