He Gets Jealous & You Get Mad

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"Tell me one more time why you needed me?" Dylan asked as you walked down an aisle in the grocery store, you were looking for something you could use to make a cake, and you wanted to add just the right things on top. As in the cell is what you wanted to form the cake as, and having the nucleus was easy.

"Shh, you're distracting me!" You said as you looked in the candy aisle.

"Distracting you?" He sucked in a breath. "From what? Buying candy..." Your heard him let out a small laugh and you rolled your eyes.

"Yes," you admitted. "I need to make sure I get the right kind that is closest to the different parts in the nucleus." Dylan's laughing stopped as he looked at the candy.

"Freshman..." He mumbled. "It's cute to see your determination, I used to have that too, you know."

The candy you were looking for came into view and you immediately grabbed it. "There you are my sweet!" You said before pecking the bag with your lips and giving a little jump. Dylan watched amused as you celebrated your little, little accomplishment.

You forgot he was even there. "What?" You asked but he shook his head and began walking out of the aisle, toward the checkout. You furrowed your eyebrows, tried to think about why he was smiling at you but gave up. You'd never find out anyway. You followed him and set down the candy once you reached the register.

"(Y/n)?" You raised your head and looked at the cashier, a wave of familiarity came over you.

"Thomas?" You said, a wide smile spreading on your face.

Again, you forgot Dylan was standing next to you. Thomas rang up your candy and crossed his arms over his chest as he let another person bag what you bought. "I've missed you, how's life?" He asked, mildly curious.

"Good, it's um, it's busy but it still has its perks." He let out a genuine laugh, and you felt someone snake an arm around your waist and pull you closer to a body. You looked at Dylan and gave him a weird look before turning back to Thomas. Not ignoring the tingly feeling Dylan's hands gave you as they began to rub your stomach soothingly. This was a whole new side to him that you've never seen, you admitted, it was nice.

"We have to get going, so... Goodbye!" Dylan said sending Thomas a smile and grabbing the plastic bag with your candy in it. But before you left Thomas walked over to you two, mostly telling you though about the party at his house tonight. And you could feel Dylan glaring at him as he walked back to his work station.

You ripped Dylan's arm off of you and started for the car, not bothering to wait up for him. As you reached the drivers side he had caught up, and pushed closed the car door as you opened it. You turned around and crossed your arms over your chest. "What?" You asked, not wanting to know the answer to your question.

"Are you going to that party?" You shrugged, you were thinking of going.

"Maybe, possibly," you said. "Why do you care?" You asked curiously, a little humor in your voice.

"Because his parties are dangerous, I should know. I've been to almost every one," he admitted with a little guilt in his eyes.

"Move away from the door so we can leave, Dylan." He let out a sigh and moved, you watched as he ran to the other side and waited for you to unlock the car. As you both got in, you could feel the tension.

"You're making a mistake," he said quietly, his head was turned towards the window and his hands crossed in his lap.

"I'm not so sure you're the best to judge on that topic." You spat, causing him to look at you, disbelief in his eyes.

"You're still held up on that?" He asked, you rolled your eyes and began to drive out of the stores parking lot. "Why do you even care?"

Your hands tightened their grip on the steering wheel as you drove on the highway, towards his home. "I don't, I'm just saying you can't talk to me about making mistakes," you explained and he chuckled, he was beginning to grow defensive. But you were too, you knew a fight was brewing.

"I didn't know!" He yelled, raising his hands for effect. You jumped a little at the sound of his yelling but calmed yourself and focused on the road.

"Well, I do." You said sharply, Dylan ruffled his black hair, something he always did to distract himself. It wasn't working because he could feel himself growing angry. "I can take care of myself."

"Not at that party where no one knows who you are," he said. "Don't go (y/n), you'll get hurt." He warned and a weird feeling grew in your stomach.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," you said.

"You like him, don't you?" You heard Dylan mumble, sadness was evident in his voice and it surprised you.

"I might, why?" You asked a little confused.

Dylan rolled his eyes as he balled his fists. "No reason."

You looked at the road, carefully turning a sharp corner. "There obviously is a reason if you are acting all—"

"All what?"

You blinked, and let out a frustrated sigh. "Sensitive." You said, he turned to look at you and you braced yourself for his next worlds. But they never came. You pulled into his driveway and parked the car, looking down at your lap as the both of you sat silently in the car. "I'm sorry. If it bothers you that much if I go tonight, I won't." You suggested and he kept looking out the passenger door window.

He was your friend, and sometimes he didn't know how to communicate with you. His way of nicely warning you sometimes angered you because of the way he did it. He never really looked at a situation in your perspective, and as being a friend, that's something you think he should easily do. But you two weren't the normal kind of friends, you were the kind of friends that were attracted to each other, and you didn't have to hear any 'I like you' from him. You both just kinda knew, deep inside, that there was some attraction there. Finally Dylan perked up his head and sent you a reassuring smile, but you knew he was still mad. "I'm not sensitive, (y/n)," he said, his smile fading.

"What are you, then?" You asked quietly and leaned over so you could be closer to hear what he responded with. He leaned closer to you also, and you felt your stomach flip. You've never been this close to him before, and it was a new feeling. A good feeling.

"I guess I'm just..." He looked down at your lips, and then back up to your eyes.  His face was now inches away, his minty breath fanned your face. You could see he was debating something in his head, perhaps what he should tell you. But seconds later the word you were thinking about escaped his lips. "Jealous."

Dylan O'Brien (ıṃѧɢıṅєṡ & ƿяєғєяєṅċєṡ)Where stories live. Discover now