while JHUN was building his master fort,he assembled 8 imperials 4 of +ve and other 4 were -ve charged . he announced to the whole world " these imperials will be incharge of your society and you all need to pay tax , if your don't pay it you will be our servant for 300 years and trust me those 300years will be like hell."
In the southern center of the galaxy there was a gang who were against JHUN.
One of the memeber of the gang was a spy in the JHUN RESIDENCY at Jupiter.
Unfortunately the spy was caught the soldiers tortured him so that the spy could tell where his associates are.
But the spy didn't yell anything the soldiers brought the spy's family and they killedthe spy's mother and father.
Only his little brother was left . when the soldiers tried to kill his brother . his brother cried and got furious he took the sword of a soldier and killed every one .only one soldier was left ,he called the imperial danyel. Danyel throwed a spear on the spy's brother the spy pushed his brother and got killed by the spear. Suddenly the whole gang appeared they took the spy's brother and the dead body of the spy.and ran towards their spaceship the imperial used his power and created shockwaves to destroy the spaceship.
Everyone were captured and only the spy's brother had escaped. As he was trying to escape he found a dairy and took it with him .
Afterwards he read that dairy.The author was JHUN
Misterio / Suspensohuman world has reached it's final stage which has no end. now the humans are dealing with a threat called X - DEATH Q.what is death? death is fear. death is a humans most hatred. death is a world of sorrow what will the world be when they have kill...