Kingdom of the Supernatural

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Hello! This is my first story on Wattpad, and I'm writing it because I poked around for a fantasy medieval story and couldn't find one... so naturally, I decided to make my own! 

This first page is going to be edited as I add things because it'll be a reference for anyone to use to figure out what certain words and names that I may or may not have made up :3

Names and Descriptions: '

Stigma: Latin for tatto. It is the tattoo that a Leborem gets when they come of age at 15. With the Stigma comes the possibility for great power, but weakens the Leborem's control on the other three elements. It is a trade off, weak power in four elements or strong power in one element.

Leborem: A Humanoid creature who is, for all purposes a Humani with special abilities and varying degree of control over a certain element, ie: Earth, Air, Fire or Water. They stand slightly taller than a Humani, have much more vivd hair and eyes and live very long. Leborem age 15 years for every 50 Humani years. 

Caravan: As Leborem and other creatures come of age or feel the need to explore what is outside of the Kindom Village, they join a 'Caravan'. The Caravan is a group of tight knitted people who take care of eachother as they go on an adventure and travel and learn about the four Kingdoms. Traders tend to gather with the Caravans as well, and Caravans develop a fierce sense of companionship and loyalty over the year or two journey. 

That should be most of the unknown vocab in the first chapter which will be up by tomorrow. 

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