*Sufferings* Chapter 1

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Rachel's Point Of View

He smiled widely at me, sending butterflies blooming in my stomach.

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck, and he put his arms around my waist, the light capturing the sparkle in his eyes.

"This moment is perfect. Me, you, and only the stars. I hope this moment never ends," he whispered, placing his hand on my chin and lightly pushing it upwards, making me face him.

I laughed, then leaned forward and pecked his lips.

I think I lingered longer, because soon our kiss turned a little heated.

After that we pulled away, both smiling. Then he put his forehead against mine. "I also hope I can spend every moment with you." I said.

"I know," he chuckled. Then, "Your so beautiful, " he mused.

I took a small step back to get a good look at him.

"I love you, " I whispered.

His eyes brightened.

"I love you too. I promise never to leave your side. I love you too much to leave you alone."


I opened my eyes. They took time to adjust to the surroundings.

Looking around, I realized that I'm in my room. Typical, it was all just a dream, a voice said in my brain.

I know, I replied.

But, it was a dream about him.

I shook my head. I don't want to remember him. Please.

As you wish.

Suddenly I heard a weird sound, then I realized I was crying.

I pulled my knees closer, then stared at my window. There were no more stars, but I could easily see the sun starting to rise up from the horizon.

They say that it is better to watch the sunrise beside the one you love.

"But then, he himself left me. He left me, alone in the darkness. He broke his promise." I choked back my tears and shuffled to the bathroom for a shower, hoping it will wash away the reminisce of my dream.


"Rachel! Rachel!" I looked behind me, and saw my friend Chloe. She catched up on me and hugged me tight.

After pulling back from the hug, she took a good look at my face.

"Rachel, what's with the long face?"

I shook my head. "It's nothing."

Chloe looked at me as if I grown two heads.

"Girl, don't tell me it's nothing. Look at you, that's definitely something."

"Yeah Rach, you've been like that ever since Ja-" another friend of mine, Trisha, came in, but Chloe covered her mouth before she finished her sentence.

"Ever since he left," she corrected Trisha.

I however, knew who she was almost talking about.

I sighed quietly and smiled.

"Seriously guys, I'm alright. Let's go to our first class." I slung my bag and strutted over, Chloe and Trisha following.

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