*Mystery* Chapter 2

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Rachel's Point Of View
After fixing myself from that 'nightmare', I dressed up in a white crop top that says 'nobody's perfect', royal blue jeans, gold strappy heels, and put on a light shade of makeup.

Then I grabbed my school bag and went out. My daddy is busy at work, since he left a note over by the kitchen.

Later, I was already outside the Evans residence. Kyle had sent me his address earlier.

After the third knock, a woman's face appeared at the door. "Hello. Oh, are you Rachel Palmer?" I nodded and smiled.

She grinned. "I'm Hannah Evans, Kyle's mother. Please, come in."

I followed her into their living room. Seconds later she came back with a tray of cheesecake. "Here, have a slice. It's my speciality."

I gratefully took a slice. "Thanks Mrs. Evans. Oh my god, this is delicious!" I said as I tasted the cake.

She giggled. "Oh you, just call me Hannah. And your welcome."

"Mommm!" Hannah and I turned around and saw Kyle walking down the stairs.

"Kyle! Rachel's here!" After Kyle reached us and sat down on the sofa beside me, Hannah stood up and smiled widely at us.

"Alright. I'll just leave you two lovebirds here okay?"

I almost choked on my iced tea. "Mom! She's not my girlfriend! We're just partners for a project. Now please, mom, don't embarrass me," he begged.

Hannah just laughed and left the room.

"Anyway, sorry about my mom, she could be cheeky sometimes," he muttered, turning to me.

I opened my bag and got my laptop, then turned it on and typed immediately.

"So, where do we start?" I asked him.

Kyle shrugged. "Dunno."

Anonymous' Point Of View

Entry #36
I'm tired of hiding from her. They told me that it's for the greater good. But it's not.

Yesterday I finally got the courage to ask my doctor if I could go out. Thankfully, he said yes, but after running a few tests on me.

Gahh, I hate it when they run tests on me. I'm tired of it. I want to see her again. I miss her.

I miss her smile, her hair, her eyes. I miss the way she laughs, like she doesn't care. I miss the way her hands play with mine as we gaze at the stars.

I miss the taste of her lips.

I miss Rachel.

I have to do this. For her. For us.

I will do it.

I will.

I finished writing and closed my journal. "I can't wait to see you again, Rachel Palmer."

Rachel's Point Of View

"There! Done!" I raised my hands up in celebration. Kyle just laughed at my childish antics.

After fixing my things, I slung my bag over my shoulder and stood up, Kyle doing the same.

"Hey, thanks-" I was about to speak when on cue, thunder shook the tension, followed by a downpour of rain.

"Woah. Hey Rach, how about we check on the news?" he asked, then turned on the TV.

"Attention to our watchers; we have breaking news. There is a typhoon hitting. We advice everyone not to go out or drive because all roads will be zero visibility. Thank you."

It took a few minutes to process what I heard. Then realization sank in.

"Oh my god!" I gasped.

Kyle turned to me. "Why?" he asked. I desperately glanced at him. "Because I can't drive home. Well, at least it's Friday, but still! My dad might worry about me."

He thought for a while.

"Well, you could call your dad and tell him that your with a friend." he suggested.

I nodded. Then got my phone and called my dad. Thankfully, he answered after the second ring.


"Hey dad. I need to tell you something."

"What is it? Did something happened?" he sounds worried. I bit my lip.

"Nothing happened dad. But I just watched the news, and they said that there's a typhoon."

"And?" dad pressed.

I continued. "Well, I went to a friend's house to do a project. Apparently," my voice faded.

In a second dad understood. "Ah. You can't drive home because of the typhoon."

"Yup." I replied. "Alright then. I understand princess. So I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay dad." I hung up. Then looked at Kyle. I almost forgot he was here.

Kyle's Point Of View
I looked at Rach while she's busy talking with her dad on the phone.

I know her. Well, everybody does. She's just like me; popular.

And good-looking too, a voice in my head said. I rolled my eyes at my thoughts.

"...Okay dad." I came to my senses just as Rach was done talking.

"He agreed?"

She nodded. "He agreed."

I gave her my signature smirk. "Great. You can stay at one of our guest rooms here. I can lead you there."

She smiled. "Thanks Kyle." she got her things and followed me upstairs.


"Wow. Nice rooms you got here." Rach marveled as I leaned on the door frame.

I chuckled.

"Uh, hey, I'm just gonna tell mom about you staying here. There's extra clothes in the closet if you want to change. Uhm, so, goodnight?" it sounded more of a question than a statement.

She giggled.

"Night Kyle."


"Mom?" I knocked on the door of her room.

She opened the door. "Yes Kyle? Anything you need?"

"Have you heard of the typhoon?"
I asked.

Mom grinned. "Ah, yes. Vanessa just posted it on facebook. Why?"

"Well, Rachel can't drive home. So, I gave her one of our guest rooms. Is it alright with you mom?"

"Of course it's fine with me Kyle. Anything for your girlfriend," she giggled.

I felt my cheeks warming up. "Mom Rachel's not my girlfriend!"

She just shook her head while smiling.

Then she kissed me on my forehead. "This is the first time you've invited a girl here. I hope you're making the right choice. It's just, your growing up Kyle. I want you to have a good relationship, and if it's with Rachel, I'll support you til the end," her eyes started to water.

If possible, my blush darkened.

"Mom seriously, I just 'met' her. She's just my partner in our project, " I replied, finger quoting the word met.

"Anyways, it's getting late now. Goodnight Kyle." Mom ruffled my blonde hair.

I smiled. "Night mom."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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