Chapter Seven

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Nessie's POV:

6 months later:

Emerson and her brother Cullen were growing quickly. Even faster than I ever did. By the time they were three month already walk and talking a bit. I was really scared but I never let it show when they or Jacob were around. I didnt want them to think i was disappointed in them. or upset because of something they said or did. i loved my children.

Today we are testing abilities. Dad said it would fine. That they were only going to run and play. Nothing to bad. But I know my father. And while I trusted him I knew he was fascinated while them. Sasme with Grandpa Carlisle. We all really wanted to see what they could do. The wolf gene wouldn't show for a few years so I knew I wouldn't have to worry about that yet.

While everyone else was setting up the back at my grandma and grandpa's house; I was in the kitchen with my mom preparing food for the wolves to eat when they got here. It really just kept my mind off the tests. I hoped that we wouldnt have to go through any tests to test the shapeshifting abilities.

"You okay Ness. You seem a little bit side tracked. We don't have to do this today if you aren't ready. Everything will be okay I promise though." Mom said knowing how nervous I was.

"I'm fine really mom. Just thinking about what will happen if they don't have powers or are not even vampires at all. If dad will okay with that? If I will be? And what if they change into a big massive dog? Will I be ready for that? I never thought about this before it came right here on me." She just laughed. She had probably been through this same thing with me. I was really Stressing out.

"Sweet heart I know this all seems like you're losing control but really all this a blessing. We didn't know what to expect with you. We really didn't know how to help you cope. Your father thinks that if we could try testing their abilities then we might find out how much of what they have. Or attempt to learn more about hybrid children. Either way baby it will help your find for many of years to come." I knew my mother was right but I still was a mom. I took a deep breath in and let it out sharply.

" I know your right mom it's just they are my babies and I don't ever want then to go through hardships like Jake or I had to. I know that everyone will be there for them like you guys were there for me but I am a mom." There I go just spouting off. As if my mom didn't know what I was feeling. In some truth I was a different kind of hybrid. But I was starting to feel bad. And here mom being very sweet and understanding. I took another breath.

"Mom you are the best person I know. I remember how hard you dad had taking care of me. I love you both so very much." My mother smiled and gave me a hug. Just then Jake came round the corner.

"Mm it smells delicious in here." He picked up a hamburger and ate it as he came to stay by me.

"Edward said to come get you to. It's time to start." We headed out. Well here we go.

-----------Minutes later--------

The day was turning out to be very helpful. Emerson turned out to be very fast and strong. Cullen was fast as well but a lot stronger then his sister. They both were still young so in a couple of year they could be stronger or faster. Next test was something I wasn’t sure how either would do considering both never could really tolerate blood. Human or animal. I could eat human and drink blood. They loved baby food though. As they get older they will crave it more and more. First up was Emerson.

"Hunny it's okay if you don't like it you don't have to finish it. Just try it." I wanted to make her feel better. She smiled up at my then took a sip and another and another till it was all done. I knew so was putting on for me but at least she liked it enough to hold down. I was more worried about Cullen because he never like it from birth.

"Mommy can I have more please." Dad smiled.

"Why don't me and you go get more food Emmy, in the kitchen, so your brother can have some to try. Then after we are done, if your still craving it you can have more I promise." I agreed and she climbed on my fathers back and off they went. I love to seeing them. The way that my dad interacts with my children was really sweet. I truly didnt get much time with him as a small child and i hoped that my children would get the opportunity. my dad was an amazing father. i know i didnt say it enough.

 "Okay Cullen it is your turn." He grimaced at me and Jake. He took a sip and another. It was obvious he didn't enjoy it like his sister had, but he at least gave it a try and that's all that mattered to us. we would never be upset if the kids didnt like drinking blood. I mean they had to some times, but not often.

By the end of the day, we knew that Emerson was more than likely a hybrid like me and Cullen more than likely was going to shapeshift but only time would really tell. In the end it didn't matter either way to me. i loved my children no matter what they were. And i would tell them tthat everyday. I didnt want them to think one was more special than the other. I would have to talk over the findings with Jake when the children when to sleep later.

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