Forbidden Love (Ten)

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“David? Where are you taking me!?” I questioned, as he pulled me by my hand.

“You don't need to know. All you need to know is that someone has been watching us.” He replied darkly.

“What?!” I shouted getting wide eyed, and looking around. “But we were invisible! How could anyone see us?”

“Someone who's like you and me.”

I felt my muscles tighten, and I glared at David. This time I took control, and pulled him into a nearby alleyway. When we got there, I pushed him against the brick wall. “How much do you know about me?” I asked lowly.

“Enough to know that you're different from everybody else.”

“You don't know shit about me.” I spat

“Yes I do! I know that you can make your eyes change color according to your mood.”

I gasped, and let my arms drop to my sides. “What else do you now about me?” I asked

“You can read minds at will, of the people around you... You have the strength of about five very buff men...” He said softly, putting his arm around my shoulders, in an attempt to comfort me.

I shrugged him off, not wanting his comfort. “How did you find out about me?”

“Cause I'm kinda the same. I read minds, I just about as strong as you. Only difference is, that my eyes don't change color, and I know what I am” He said, looking me in the eye.

I looked at him oddly, “What do you mean you know what you are?”

David sighed, “We might have some of the same abilities, but we're nothing alike.”

I glared at him slightly, “You're killing me here, David! Tell me what you are! I don't know what I am, so tell me that too. Hell, I didn't even know that I was something...”

“Well, you've had these powers since you were born, am I correct?” David asked

I nodded slowly, “Yes... Why?”

“Well, I have these powers for a reason, and so do you. I have my powers for a reason that I don't relativity like... And, well, I'm a soul taker.” He finished

I stepped away from him. And became wide eyed. I was planning on running away, but I refused. If he's something, then so am I. And I want to know. I took a deep breath, and asked, “If you're a soul taker... Then what am I?”

“A fallen angel. A special fallen angel at that.”

My jaw hit the floor. Me? A fallen angel? But how am I fallen? Hell, I don't remember being an angel... So how could I be a fallen angel? I ran a hand through my hair, and released a long breath. “How am I a fallen angel? And a special one?” I asked

“Well, most fallen angels wonder this earth, just as normal people. Only difference is that, you're immortal. You live forever. But you can get killed, just as anybody else can.”

“Wait, does that mean only I'm immortal, do are all fallen angels immortal?” I asked getting confused.

“All fallen angels are immortal. Anyhow, the reason that you're special is cause unlike most fallen angels, you have a purpose for being here in the first place.”

“And that purpose is?” I asked

“To kill me. And all other soul eaters.”

I gasped, kill!? Him!? No no no! I can't kill anyone! I can seriously hurt them, but I can't kill! I don't even know how to kill a soul eater! Hell I didn't even know they even existed until five minutes ago! How do I even begin to think about how to kill them!? My life is so fucked up. I swear...

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