Chapter 1

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Chris' POV
God she is beautiful... how can anyone look that good? I ask myself as I stare at the goddess that is Chloe Adams.
She is sitting in the row just ahead of me. Just in my line of sight enough that it isn't completely noticeable that I'm starring. She is a short, curvy girl with brown hair and the most amazing hazel eyes I have ever seen. I have drooled over her since the 6th grade. Sometimes I get the hint that she likes me too; just little things like the way she looks at me and how she acts around me.
"We need Chloe Adams in the office to go," the overhead speaker wakes me from my thoughts. She gets up and as she gets all of her stuff together she bends over to pick up some papers that fell and the guy next me lets out a "daaamn" under his breath as he stares at her. I shoot him a murderous glare and he quickly goes back to doing his work.


The final bell rings and everyone grabs their stuff and heads out of the door.
Chloe's POV
"We need Chloe Adams in the office to go," the overhead speaker booms I gather my things up, and as I bend over to pick up a paper I noticed that fell off of the desk I hear some guy behind me comment on my ass. I decide it's best just to ignore him and leave. This day is going bad enough and I don't need any fighting right now. As I open the office door I see my bum of a father standing by the front counter checking me out of school. He turns to me and remarks, "Hey darlin'."
"Hey daddy," I force a smile.
After he gets done with the papers we get into his small beat up car and pull out of the school parking lot. "Your mama got in another wreck," he says as we speed to the hospital. "I think she was drinking again."

"You don't know that." I defend my mother, clearly knowing she probably was drinking.

"Well she swerved out of her lane and hit a truck head on," he remarks as we pass the city limit sign.

"Is she okay?" panic clear in my voice.

"Don't know that's why we gotta hurry and get to the hospital."

After what feels like hours pass we pull into the only hospital for miles. My dad quickly finds a parking spot and we rush inside. We approach the front desk and he asks the nurse where Sandra Adams is. "Name?" she says as she checks her computer for the room number. "Barkley Adams, I'm her...husband," he pauses.
"Room 243" she says pointing to the hall to the right of her. I run to the room and the air is sucked from me as I take in the scene in front of me.
Chris' POV
I pull into my grandparents dirt road subdivision and mentally curse myself for washing my car yesterday. As I drive down the now muddy road I wave to the kids playing in the yards around me. I pull into the driveway and get out of my car. "Nice car" a voice comes from behind me. I quickly turn around and thank him. "72 right?"
"Yeah," I hesitantly say. He looks familiar but I just can't put my finger on who it is exactly. I grab my backpack out of the bed and tread into the house when he goes back to working on a car in my grandpa's shop. Another one of his projects I suspect from the age.
But all I can see is the backend. From the tail lights sitting on the toolbox it looks like a 69 chevelle.
I walk into the kitchen and am immediately bear hugged by my grandma. "Hey Grandma," I say with a smile. "Hey bright eyes, long time no see," she remarks happily before planting a kiss on my forehead. I open the fridge and grab a mountain dew,plop down on the couch, and turn on the TV.
Chloe's POV
"You hungry?" I am shaken awake. I look to the clock on the wall it is 3:21 in the morning. I look back at my mom in the hospital bed and all the wires and machines she is hooked up to then back at my dad. "A little," I remark with a sleepy voice.
"Good, because Chase went to go get us some food from the cafeteria." I nod my head.
I don't know how I feel about Chase being here. I mean he's my brother but I haven't seen him since I was like eight; and he disowned my parents. I can't really blame him but giving up them was like giving me up.


Chris' POV
"Come on get up, it's 10:30" I am awoken by my grandpa kicking at my boots. I get out of the bed and decide to jump in the shower.
After my shower, I grab my phone and text Drew, my best friend since we were born, and see if he wants to hang out. While I wait for his response I grab some breakfast. My phone rings "Yeah, man sure where you wanna meet?"
"I'll just come pick you up, I'm on my way," I send back. I jump in my El Camino and peel out of my grandparents subdivision.
Chloe's POV
I wake up to the nurse changing my mom's IV. I groan and stretch my arms before I check my phone. "Sorry darlin I had to go to work I'll see you when I get home." it's from my dad. I quickly glance at the time, it's 10:57 I need something to do today so I text Tracy my best friend and ask if I can come over for the night. "We are in Gregville, sorry." She answers back almost immediately. Who else can I ask? I scroll through my contacts, Drew! My fro bro, "What's up," I send and he answers back in a few seconds "Nothin much, just hangin with Chris wby?"
Chris Gray I have had a crush on him since the 6th grade. "Y'all mind if I join? I'm at the hospital with my mom and I have nothing else to do today." "Haha Chris said hell yeah we'll pick you up in a few."
Chris' POV
"Bro I can't believe we get to hang out with Chloe all day," I almost scream as I practically run to my car. We jump in my El Camino and fly to the hospital.
When we get there she is standing outside waiting for us; it is about 45 degrees outside and she doesn't have a coat on. I mentally pat myself on the back for wearing my coat even though I have a d*mn good heater in the car. I pull into one of the only parking spaces and jump out I trot over to where she was waiting with a grin. I just can't help but be this excited that I get to spend the day with the girl of my dreams. When I reach her, her teeth are chattering and I take off my coat and put it around her as we walk back to my car. My car only has a bench seat in the front so we all squeeze in and I hope she is comfortable on my arm. I try not to freak out as I nervously put the key in the ignition and start the motor. The noise from the 350 small block roars as I push on the gas and pull away.
I drive as slow as possible to savor every moment of her having to lean against me.
"Yall wanna grab something to eat?" I ask as we pull up to a red light. "Hell yeah, I'm starving," Drew says putting his arm out of the window. "Me too," Chloe remarks and I get chills just from hearing her voice. "Let's go to Nana's she always got food," Drew replies.
"Aight hold on." I spin the car around, spinning the tires and take off as soon as the light turns green. "Holy sh*t chill out," Chloe says with a terrified look on her face. I smile and smack the slap shift causing the tires to burn out once again, this time for much longer. Spinning my tires all the time is gonna make me need new ones and quick, but I just got new ones and I think Chloe secretly likes it, at least I hope she does.
A couple miles down the road, there is a woman on her cell phone on the side of the road with a flat tire.
I drive past her at first but quickly turn around and pull in behind her. "I'll be right back," I say turning the heater up and opening the car door. "Need any help?" I ask as I walk up to her. "P..please." She tries to smile moving out of the way.
"Can you pop your trunk for me ma'am?" She obliges and I grab the jack and spare tire from under the carpet. I tread over to the flat tire and start jacking it up.
Chloe's POV
Chris gets out of the car and closes the door behind him. Drew and I sit in silence for the first few minutes before I turn on the radio. After jamming out for a while I watch Chris as he jacks the car up. It's so sweet of him that he stopped for this random woman stranded on the side of the road. He gets done and starts putting the stuff back in the lady's trunk and she tries to hand him some money. From where I'm sitting it looks like a one hundred dollar bill. He just shakes his head and heads back to the car. "Thank you so much!" the woman yells as he opens the door "No problem ma'am," he replies with his country accent that has been driving me wild since I got in the car.


Chris' POV
When we get to Nana's we all jump out of my car and stretch our legs. We walk up the ramp to her front door. I try to open the door and it's locked. I turn around and notice both of her cars are gone. "Sh*t she ain't even here." I turn around looking at them. "Come on," I remark walking back to my car.
"Where are we going?" Chloe asks following me.
"I guess back to my grandma's house," I reply opening the door to my car.
"Cool with me," Drew says sliding in beside Chloe. I turn on the car and we are on the road once again.
I pull into my grandma's driveway once again and we all hop out. "Chloe? that you?"

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