Chapter 2

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Chloe's POV
We pull into the driveway with old and pretty new cars surrounding it. Drew opens the door and gets out; I follow him.
"Chloe?... is that you?" I hear an all too familiar voice say while I put Chris' coat back on. I quickly spin around to confirm I wasn't insane. Sure enough there stood Michael, one of my best friends from school, he's older than me but has failed a few times and is in the grade below me.
"Heeyyy!" I scream and jump in his arms.
Chris' POV
"Heeyyy!" she screams and runs into his arms. My hands clench and my jaw tightens. I know she isn't my girlfriend...yet, but I still really care about her and wanna watch her back. I watch annoyed by her actions as she hugs him tightly. Drew puts his hand on my back and says, "Chill bro, let's go get some food." My tension loosens and I nod my head "Yeah," is all I manage to say and tread to the door. "Well I gotta get back to work," I hear him say as I walk up the wooden steps, Drew on my heels making sure I don't kill anyone.
Chloe nods her head and jogs up the stairs when I walk in.


"You know that guy?" I ask Chloe putting some water on the stove to boil.
"Michael? Yeah he is one of my best friends,he's older than us, he's a junior though." she replies before taking another sip of Mountain Dew laying on the couch while Drew flips through the channels.
Michael, I knew he looked familiar I've always kinda despised the guy. I've heard he's into drugs and stuff and that pisses me off that Chloe hangs with that crowd.
My breathing quickens and I am tempted to go snap the guy's neck and get it over with but the thought of her being mad at me stops me in my tracks. I finish making us lunch and place it in the middle of my grandma's table. Immediately, Drew sprang up and literally sprinted to the kitchen, grabbed a plate and a fork and dug in. After laughing her ass off at Drew Chloe gets up and walks over to the table still chuckling at Drew's reaction to the food.


"Dishes are on me," Chloe announces grabbing me, her, and Drew's plates and walking to the sink. While she is washing the dishes I decide to clean up. I clean all of the stuff of of the table before wiping it down with a rag so that my grandma doesn't suspect a thing.
After getting rid of all of the "evidence" we sit down on the couch and watch Netflix. As the day turns night we all fall asleep. I wake up to the front door shutting and it is dark outside. I pick up my phone to check the time it is 12:30...
Chloe's POV
"Chloe come on get up it's 12:30," I am shaken awake by Chris. "Sh*t." I reach for my phone. Five missed calls.. "Sh*t!" I say again this time getting up. As soon as I get done dialing my dad's number my phone dies.
'Great,' I think to myself. "You think you can take me home?" I ask Chris turning to him. "Y...yeah," he stutters and I get butterflies but I push them aside for now. "Come on," he motions to me "Leave Drew, I'll take I'm home in the morning he is out."
We get in his car and he flies down the road. I guess he could tell from the expression on my face that I'm about to get my a** kicked.
We get 10 miles down the road and the engine starts to stutter. Finally it just stops and he quickly turns to the side of the road and into the grass. "Sh*t, out of gas," he says hitting the steering wheel. "Guess we're walkin'," he scoffs opening the door.
We get a couple miles down the road and I figure this is the best chance I have. I turn the car off and quickly pull over to the side. "Sh*t, out of gas," I say hitting the steering wheel hoping she believes it. "Guess we're walkin'," I mutter before getting out of the car. I walk to the front of the car and turn around to wait on her. She gets out of the car wearing my jacket and my heart is pounding against my ribs. She is the most perfect thing I have ever seen. "C..come on," I barely manage to choke out turning around. After about a mile she starts complaining about her feet hurting and asked if we can stop. I nod my head and she nuzzles up to me. Her skin is like ice when I rap my arms around her and I can feel her shivering. She looks up at me with the most beautiful eyes; I close my eyes and the greatest moment of my life happens, she kisses me and I melt in her arms and for a moment the world seems perfect. We pull away and I have the biggest grin on my face and she smiles back a more of a warm smile. I hug her tightly enjoying every second of it. "We need to keep going," she says, teeth chattering. I nod my head and we continue this time with my arm around her waist and hers around mine. My heart is beating so hard I feel it will burst out of my chest soon, I have no doubt that she can hear it.
We finally get to her neighborhood. When we reach her house I stop on her doorstep. "Thank you," I say looking into her eyes. "For?" she questions, making sure she knows what I'm talking about. "Making my dreams come true," I reply holding back tears. She nearly tackles me to the ground hugging me. She kisses me again, this time a peck but the fireworks hit harder now that I know what she did. "If you need anything at all, anytime, I'll be there just call me." She nods. "Thank you," she says. "I really need to get inside, so goodnight thanks for walking me the 5 miles home," she says giggling. "Your welcome, goodnight." I plant a kiss on her forehead and step off of the porch. "Goodnight," she says with a tired smile before walking into her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2015 ⏰

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