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He opened the door to his home, and he felt instantly tired. Man what a day. He zoomed up his stairs and stopped by his bedroom door, ready to hop into the comforts of his bed. Creeping into the empty room, he stopped by his nightstand and took a second to admire the picture he always kept on there. It was a picture of him and all his friends, and every time he looked at it, it was a painful reminder that he hasn't seen them in a long time. He hadn't bothered to call them, and none of them have bothered to call him either. It was like the second they have lost a purpose to fight, they all just broke off and began to live the lives they had always dreamed on having. Tails was constantly on the magazine for World's Smartest and once Sonic had seen Amy at a bar with her boyfriend, having a hell of a time. And here he was, a loner, having nothing but his old fame to cheer him up. Maybe one day he should contact them to get back in touch, but then again he would have to find some free time which was absolutely never. Also, he had new friends now, weren't they good enough?

He adverted his eyes and climbed into his bed, tucking himself under the covers, eager to let sleep take him. Then his phone rang. Grumbling angrily, he picked it up and answered it. Who the heck could be calling at this time? "Hello," he muttered angrily at the caller. "Who is it?"

"Sonic?" A familiar voice said through the receiver. Sonic felt adrenaline rush through his body. "Is that you?"

"T-Tails," Sonic stuttered, glancing back at the photo. "Is that really you?"

He heard a soft laugh. "Of course it is me, the one and only." Sonic felt a laugh push through, but as he heard it, it sounded creepy and unnatural. "Uh, Sonic?" Tails asked with concern. "Are you okay?"

Sonic smiled. "Yeah, better then ever. It is just-- what are you calling for? Do you-- do you need me for anything?"

There was silence for a couple of seconds before Tails responded. "That is the reason I called you, Sonic." He said, bringing his voice down to a whisper. "There is a problem."

"Well lay it on me," Sonic said enthusiastically. "What is it? Is Dr. Eggman out and about again?" He heard Tails sigh heavily. "Sorry," he said, feeling ashamed of this stupid outburst. "I am just happy to talk to you again, it has been ages."

"It is good to talk to you too buddy," Tails said warmly. "But this is a real problem, and no, it is not Dr. Eggman. This guy is... more of a problem. More... threatening." The strain in his voice worried Sonic, and he sat down.

"What is going on Tails?" He asked. "I want you to tell me everything."

Tails gave another sigh, and then he gave a cough so that he was ready to speak. "There is this new enemy that calls himself Rocky. He has so far posed no huge threat to anyone, but then he began to start killing millions, writing on walls with their blood supporting the message 'dark times are coming'." Sonic shuddered at the sound of this, the image of it in his mind sickening. "People began getting concerned and then one day, he announced that he was going after the Chaos Emerald, and this has been threatened at least five times before one day, he blew up my lab. At this, once everyone had been woken from their slumber-- since he set off some sort of sleeping bomb in their-- we noticed that he had taken some classified files, and right away we noticed that the one that included critical information about the Chaos Emerald." Sonic gulped and laid down, trying to process it all.

"That is where we play in," Tails said. "We have to find Rocky before he does something we all know that we are going to fear. I mean, the man wrote 'dark times are coming' with peoples blood. Who knows what he has in store?"

Sonic nodded to himself, but then the inevitable question popped up in his mind. "Who had asked us to do this?"

"The Commander." Tails replied. "And all he asked was for the group to come together and to do what we do best: save the world."

Everything fell silent, and Sonic just couldn't find the right words to say. "Did you call up the others?" He asked.

"Not yet," Tails said. "You were the first one I called."

"Where should I go to meet up with you guys?" Sonic asked. "When should I go?"

Tails laughed at his friend in a friendly way. "Meet up with us at my house, and it is now." At the sound of this, Sonic ended the phone call, allowing himself to have a mini celebration. Finally, he was going to be out and about, and he couldn't wait to see everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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