chapter one

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"pain can turn people away from just about anything. pain is capable of causing you too do things you would never consider doing . such as blaming someone else for your unhappiness"

and that where it all started in reading class writing that sentence with many more too come. pain i know i shouldn't be doing this everything reminds me of him. i can't get him out of him head. it's almost impossible too

"pain such a small word.. filled with so so much meaning I have come too learn that pain is the strongest emotion you can feel.. sometimes you are lucky enough and you can find faith in someone else but sometimes pain is one of those hideous places that you have once visited and you have too find your way out"

cody herbinko i would sit here and describe him too you but i can't put it too words. he's my ex boyfriend well we still kinda have a thing well too be exact he has a thing with everyone in this god damn school. he's this highschools fuckboy one of the most popular boys here that's all that i can say without crying when it comes too him, but you will find about that later im guessing .

     my name is anna im 17 years old and in 12th grade in highschool i am graduating this year. my best friends are these two girls  named lily and molly but that's about it . i have some friends but the others are all just fake honestly . at my school you either be a slut or be unknown . i wouldn't say im a slut but after cody came along in my life everything changed..

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