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The next morning, I got up, excited to go get my daily Starbucks. I finished getting dressed before looking out the window. It was pouring rain.

Starbucks was worth it.

I dug through the closet before finding a simple black umbrella. Shamus was fast asleep, and it was raining, so I decided not to bother him.

I shoved my phone in my pocket before exiting my apartment, locking it behind me. I shoved my key in my pocket and headed down the stairs.

I waved to the lobbyist and smiled before heading to the door and opening it, revealing the sound of the rain. I sighed and opened my umbrella before taking a step out of the building and into the rain. I stepped down the few steps, taking in the soothing sound of the rain beating against the umbrella.

"Scott, wait!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned around and saw Mitch coming after me. He was wearing a leather jacket that hugged his body perfectly.

I furrowed my eyebrows, but instantly understood his intentions as he pushed the door open, and went to go down the stairs.

My eyes widened as he practically leapt down the stairs and stumbled into my embrace, and clutched onto me as if his life depended on it. Some rain landed on him, but we were both soon protected by my umbrella.

"Are you ok?" I questioned as he recovered.

He pulled away from me and stood up straight. "Yeah, sorry," he muttered as he brushed himself off. He stayed really close to me to avoid the rain.

I gave him a wary look, "Can I help you with something?" I asked sarcastically.

He rolled his eyes, "I don't have an umbrella, and you were going out at the same time, so I thought we could share," he suggested with a shrug. 

I sighed, "Where are you headed?" I asked. I decided to try to be nice to him, and maybe he would reciprocate.

"Starbucks," he replied.

"Really?" I asked, "That means we only have one stop then," I pointed out.

He nodded and we walked in silence for a few moments. I glanced at Mitch as his face contorted in annoyance before looking at the sky. He subtly moved closer to me, deeming desperate not to get wet.

It was cute.

"Your umbrella isn't big enough," he informed me before looping his arm through mine, clinging to me to avoid the rain.

"Well, it isn't really made for two," I pointed out as we began to walk in unison. 

"Whatever," he muttered before looking around intently as we walked.

I cleared my throat and glanced around. "We're still basically strangers. Tell me something about yourself," I suggested. If he was going to bum rain protection from me, the least he could do was be civil.

He sighed, "If you insist," he muttered, "Uh let's see...I like to sing," he informed me.

I smiled, "So do I. See, we have something in common already," I pointed out. "You any good?" I questioned.

He shrugged, "I guess," he replied.

"We'll have to have a little sing off sometime," I suggested jokingly.

"You wish," he teased. "It's your turn," he informed me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "My turn for what?" I asked, confused.

He rolled his eyes dramatically, "You're so dumb. It's your turn to say something about yourself. And it can't be that you're dumb, because I've learned that already," he chided.

"Rude," I muttered, but he ignored me and waited for my statement. I sighed, "Well, I love Beyoncé," I tried.

"Weird, I love Beyoncé too. See, we have something in common already!" He stated in a mocking tone before smirking at me when I rolled my eyes, "But seriously though, I really do love Beyoncé," he stated in a normal tone.

I chuckled, "You're a real piece of work; you know that?" I retorted.

"You don't even know honey," he shot back.

We had a pretty casual conversation at Starbucks, before returning back to the apartment, both under my umbrella again, sipping our coffee along the way.

"Thanks for letting me use your umbrella," Mitch stated as we exited the stairwell onto our floor. He smiled up at me. His smile was enough to make the strongest heart melt.

I smiled back, trying to ignore my heart as it pounded in my chest, "See what happens when you're civil?" I teased.

"Shut up," he muttered as he playfully punchedmy arm.     

I scoffed, "Rude. Have fun walking to Starbucks in the rain next time," I teased.

He shrugged, "I guess i'll just find someone cuter to go with next time," he stated as he unlocked his door.

"That'll be pretty difficult," I replied, playfully.

He smirked before shooting me a wink, and then disappearing into his apartment.

A/N: These are all probably gonna be pretty short oops.

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