Chapter 1- Mom?

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Star's POV-

"GoodNight mom!" I kissed my mothers cheek.
"Goodnight Stacy!" My mom replied.
"Please, call me star" I sighed, Star was my nickname by dad gave me.
Let's say he isn't here with us anymore.
My mom follows her eyes, and shooed me away.
I padded to my pink and blue room, and jumped on my queen sized bed.
I grabbed my iPhone 6 and decided to do some late night Zoella Stalk.
I'm not that WEIRD, scrolling down on her pictures on Instagram, and retweeting her tweets on Twitter, and poking her on FaceBook.
When it was 9:38 pm I closed my eyes and waited to fall asleep.


I woke up at 6:00 am for school.
I got my uniform, and changed.
My textbooks were laying all over the floor, so I snatched them and stuffed Em in my book bag.
I applied a little mascara and lipgloss, and straightened my messy hair.
When I ran downstairs, I heard crying.
"Mom?" I asked quietly.
My mom was on the couch crying, and my first thoughts were, did grandma or grandpa die,?
"Pack Your Stuff.." My pale mom mumbled.
"I did, I got my book at upstairs" I assured her, and I sat down next to her.
"No there is a suitcase in my room, and pack your stuff" she muttered.
"Mom.... What are you talking about?" I asked.
My mom broke down, and cried, "I can't afford to keep you anymore! You have to move to a orphanage in Brighton!!
After your dad left, I couldn't afford hardly anything, Star"
She used my nickname, star.
Tears were streaming down my face, and I hugged my mom tightly.
"Pack" she rasped, and I hurried upstairs to pack my clothes.


After I was done packing everything, i went downstairs and I saw a small petite woman around her Middle Ages.
"Ello, I'm Mrs. Parker and I'm here to pick you up" she said, in a jersey accent.
I nodded, and hugged my mom for the last time, and I sat in ShotGun.
I got 12 texts from my BFF, Cloe-
Why aren't you at school?! Are you sick or something?!?!?!
I miss you!
Stephanie is my partner for the math project!!
Jk, it's Chris.
Are you here?!?!?
Why aren't u answering me?!
Ok, I will stop bothering you!

I'm not your friend anymore.
Real friends would answer, you don't answer at all! I found a new friend, and she is better then you! She isn't a back stabber like you!

When I read the last two,I was shocked.
That's not like Cloe, at all!

I noticed we were here so I closed my phone and walked out of the car.
Carrying my suitcase, and walked to the doors.
When I reached them, I sighed.
'A new adventure'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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