1; kesesesesese, Flying mint bunny and Paella!! :D

388 17 17

Somewhere in the English Countryside with France, England, America, Germany, Italy, Prussia, Spain, Hungary and Austria.

France's POV.

'Why are we in England again?' I asked, not for the first time.

'Because,' started England, 'You're always dissing my country and I want to prove to you that it is more awesome than you think.'

'...well clearly not as awesome as my country.' said none other than Prussia, 'ha! what am I saying no country will ever be as awesome as mine- especially not England... why did I even agree to come here anyway? your presence will probably dampen my Awesomness... wait! who am I kidding- besides England- nothing can dampen my-'

Germany covered prussia's mouth with his hand, 'shut up bro, you're ranting again, what have I told you about that?'

'butbutbutbutbut-' began Prussia.

Germany silenced him with a dark look.

'yea Prussia,' chorused England 'be quiet'

I rolled my eyes and sighed as loudly and dramaticly as I could in attempt to get them to shut up, I mean, no one is allowed to fight with England except me...'

Obviously not hearing me England started up again, 'by the way Prussia, why are you even here? no one invited you...'

'To bring more awesomness to your little group of course, without me you'd be lost.'

'We are lost' America put in.

'This is MY country you wanker! Do you really expect us to get lost?!

~3 Forests, 19 Fields, 300 cows and 1000 sheep later...~

'We're lost aren't we...' asked America for the fourth time in seven minutes.

'No, of course not,' said England, 'I know my way around this country like the back of my hand' said England nervously biting the corner of his lip.

I mentally face-palmed 'yes and thats why we just spent ages trampling through fields...'

'We were... egh... taking the scenic route...' he said.

'Doitsu, I'm tired from walking.' complained Italy, 'Will you give me a piggy back?'

Germany gave italy a look of comtempt but shrugged and bent down so Italy could jump up on to his back. 'why not...'

Prussia looked shocked for a few moments before collapsing on the ground in laughter. 'kesesesesesese...... Seriously bro....'

I was about to kick him (in a friendly way) and tell him to get up but Austria did the honours for me.

'Oh, My, Gawd!! I've had enough!' I shouted suddenly, grabbing England by the shoulders and looking directly into his eyes. 'are we...' I started, 'LOST!'

England squirmed under my grip, 'well, erm maybe... ALRIGHT!!! WE'RE LOST NOW LET GO OF ME!'

Prussia burst out laughing again, and then stopped, suddenly noticing the consequences of what England had just said. 'does that mean we have to walk?' he asked.

'No.' said Austria sarcasticly.

I looked back and rolled my eyes playfully at Spain who had spent the whole trip walking quietly near Hungary with a worried look on his face. He had left Romano on his own and was no doubt worrying about whether or not Turkey had kidnapped him.

Spain coughed to try to stop the laughter escaping his throat he didn't succeed and ended up making a squawking sound. Hungary sent a startled look his way. Prussia who had just pulled himself off the ground started laughing and fell back down again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2013 ⏰

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