Chapter 48

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Quinton stepped closer and stared full into the young private's face. A smile of recognition broke his weary expression.

"Heinrich Schmidt's boy?"

"Yes Sir." The boy respectfully replied with a smile.

"At ease boy. Tell me, How's your father these days?"

"He does well for his age sir."

Quinton and the private seemed to share a private joke.

"Respectfully, Sir, I heard your friend ask if anyone sprecken se deutche."

Jeremy rushed forward and he grabbed the boy by the shoulders shaking him.

"You speak German? You can help us?"

"Yes sir. If you bring your German friend here, I'll help you. I won't leave my post." He sent a sidelong glance in Quinton's direction.

Jeremy thanked him and ran back toward the boy. He returned a few minutes later with a strapping young man in his early twenties who held the young boy's hand. He refused to let the boy part from him, and after what they'd just been through, Jeremy could well understand.

The young private spoke to the boy in German. He smiled and chattered a reply; the private smiled and addressed Quinton.

"He says he is William and his brother is Roderick. He saw a fine lady, like the fine gentleman," he gestured toward Jeremy in his eastern attire, slacks, shirt and vest with the gold pocket watch and shiny shoes.

For once, Jeremy was glad he hadn't gotten used to the more relaxed dress of the locals. He had heard rumors that he was a wealthy heir, he was a peer of the realm-disguised of course, and that he was a lowly commoner like them but one that put on airs to make himself better than the rest.

He really didn't care a fig what folks thought of him except in that it might cause people to treat Vicky differently. He clothing was still in fine repair, and he could ill afford to replace his wardrobe since the paper had not yet turned a profit, and as of today had all but burned to the ground.

"He also saw a fine baby, a good and happy baby."

Life suddenly returned to Quinton's eyes. Jeremy was jerked from his thoughts and looked sharply at Quinton. Jeremy knew he wasn't handy with a weapon of any sort, he was worthless at tracking, and only handled a horse satisfactorily. However, ferreting out a story was something he could do! At a nod from Quinton, Jeremy took over the questioning.

"Tell me what you saw"

The private relayed the question and translated his answer, this time addressing Jeremy.

"First she was with the women but she yelled and screamed. They tried to make her quiet, but she would not be so. Finally one they called Louie built another fire, a small fire, away from the others. She was taken there. They gave her blankets and food and water. They did not like her but they did not hurt her."

"What did you see next? Could you understand anything they said?" Jeremy was afraid for the answer, but he had to know. Again the private translated.

"She is alive. He heard them say 'mucho denero'. He knows that denero is money. They didn't understand anything else, and they didn't see anything else. When the soldiers came, people ran and screamed and the banditos took the woman with the baby with them."

"Did you see which way they ran off to?"

The private asked the question. Jeremy did not need a translation for the answer. The lad shook his head and pointed toward the river, toward Mexico.

The Vicky Series: Book 1: Chasing a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now