Chapter 09

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"Not at the alter...exactly. You haven't made any wedding plans and there's liable to be snow on the tracks. If it delayed you, you would be caught! You need to wait until April, or May even before you can safely leave."

"Abigail I don't believe my ears. Three days ago you told me it was a mistake to go. Now you say go? How do you propose I do that? I can't just turn off these feelings! And I can't bear the thought of...wait..." Victoria paused, thoughtful as a new thought struck. "Exactly what sort of clues did you have in mind?"

Abigail pulled a newspaper from under her sweater and handed it to Victoria.

Transcontinental Railroad Possible the headline read. Victoria shrugged her shoulders and began reading: "In a clever speech about the advantages and pure American nature of it, Sen. Abraham Lincoln, IL urged---"

"Not there. Below the fold."

Victoria flipped the paper over: Girl Missing, Foul Play Suspected. Victoria read the article greedily. The beleagueredfamily pleaded with the publicfor information about their missing daughter.

The young woman travelled alone to visit family. She arrived in San Diego safely. A gentlemen on the docks very distinctly remembered a fine looking girl with flaming red hair and a green dress get off the boat. She collected her bags and loaded them onto a buggy she hired to take her to an address in the military district.

She never arrived. The driver was found dead two days later. The buggy and all trace of the girl had disappeared. That was nearly five weeks ago and still nothing had been discovered. Victoria laid the paper on her lap, lost in quiet thoughts. Abigail broke the silence.

"Jeremy said that poor girl is probably in Mexico somewhere. She's been sold more than likely."

"How awful for her family."

"Now, I don't purport anything quite so dramatic. A few hints here and there... It is dangerous, Victoria. You'll need to be very careful not to end up like her." She pointed to the paper on Victoria's lap. "I'll do some thinking on it. I need to look around a little and ask a few questions..."

"Abigail." She warned.

"Don't worry. This 'friend' of mine is an absolute gossip. She never cares who she repeats things to so long as she can be the center of attention while telling a story---any story."

"Abigail, if you're thinking about faking an abduction you can just stop right now. I could never put my parents through that sort of anguish! Or Jeremy for that matter!" Her voice was sharp and angry. "Breaking their hearts and disappointing them completely is one thing... but torturing them needlessly with fear and worry is absolutely out of the question! Do you understand me, Abigail?"

"Really, Victoria, now who's being dramatic? I remember she told me about a few girls who ran away. I was just going to get details. I really don't care if she remembers talking to me or not. It will just tell anyone who asks that I thought of it because of that story.

My friend says some girls were not very clever, found right off and sent home. One was never seen again. But the one I want more details on came home two years later with tales of adventure and is married now with a family of her own."

"Your friend sounds like she has way too much time on her hands."

"She does. She's not really a friend, more of an acquaintance really. I've met her at a few of the parties. I'll try to verify what she says, but it's a good place to start."

"Just be careful. I'm still not sure whether I'll have the nerve to leave when the time comes, but somehow I'm not prepared to give up my dream entirely just yet."

The Vicky Series: Book 1: Chasing a DreamWhere stories live. Discover now