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Allah Almighty helps His committed people of missionary zeal by persons of sincere inclination to find the truth. The people of Yathrab (Madina) usually came to Makkah to perform the annual Hajj. The Holy Prophet used to preach people in the Hajj assemblies. In the 9th Nabawi Suwaid bin Samit, a great poet of Yathrab, highly impressed by the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam started to love Islaam. He introduced to youngsters of Madina the truthfulness of the Holy Prophet. Thus in 10th Nabawi six talented persons of Yathrab (Madina) on Haij occasion met the Holy Prophet lead by Aboo Haseem bin Taihaan. They were followed by 12 persons from Madina to embrace Islaam. Then the Chief of Auws tribe of Madina Mas'-ub embraced Islaam. Thus in 12th Nabawi 72 people of Madina came for Hajj to Makkah and embraced Islaam. Then the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam allowed Makkah Muslims to migrate to the friendly city of Madina. Then many people came on behalf of the Khazraj tribe as enemies of their Auws tribe of Yathrab (Madina) being rivals of each other. These Khazraj people wanted to enter into pact with Quraysh. But Allah Almighty has His strange ways to help His devotees in toughest circumstances. These people from a far off city of Yathrab (city of diseases which became Madina tuur Rasool) underwent a strange self-quisitiveness About Islaam. They found the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam and asked him what is Islaam? What he stands for? How this religion has the real Divine Truth as human saviour? The Holy Prophet (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) very enthusiastically, preached them and profusely recited to them the Holy Quraan with pertinent verses on Unity and oneness Allah and his truthful mission as Messenger. Getting sincerely excited Ayaas Bin Maaz, immediately on hearing this said, "O my clan ! This is better for you to embrace Islaam now than the objective of your coming here" only for quisitiveness About this true faith against the paganism and idolatry." Thus this group of Madina became the pioneers of Islaam there.

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