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The Holy Quraan says —

Glory be to Him Who took by night (Assra) from the sacred Mosque to the distant mosque, the surrounding of which His devotee — to show him His signs — (Al-Quraan = XVII = 1/L 111:2 to 8).

After very hardship there is a Divine ease. And the best bestowment of Allah Suubhana-hoo Wa Ta-'aala to the Holy Prophet Sallallah hoo Alyhe Wassallam. It was his personal exaltation amongst all the prophets. It was his (Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam) physical and sensuous Divine tour through the sphere from earth to the heavens. First of all he went from Masjid-ul-Haraam, Makkah to Masjid-ul-Aqsaa in Palestine Divine city of Jerusalem. The he (blessings and salutations of Allah on him) personally became the Imam (leader) of the prayer of all the Prophets of Allah (total as 125000 to 140000). Thereby he enjoyed the highest respect of Allah Rubbul Aalameen as the RahmatuI-lil-Aalameen. He physically had a great journey of heavens where he observed the Paradises, the Hell and the highest seat of his exaltation on the Day of Judgement. This is his greatest miracle beyond human imagination as a supernatural bestowment of Allah which reason cannot justify. He got into immediate presence of Allah Almighty, far beyond where none except Jibrael could ascend. This is a great miracle of the Holy Prophet Salallaho Alaihi Wasallam After this great Assraa (Meiraaj) Allah Almighty opened up the way of the Muslims to friendly Madina saving them from so hostile city of Makkah.

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