My Crush Yoon Doojoon part 1/3

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Yoon Doojoon imagine

You're walking in the school's hallway. You're going in your math class, the class where you sit in the deep end of the class and the class where the coolest teacher is!:)) Math teacher is your fav teacher cuz he's entertaining in his learning speech(?) Your seat is next to a popular asshole! You hate him! He's annoying and always takes your stuff without your permission! Good thing it's the only class where he's sitting next to you! You're always thinking why isn't his bestfriend aka your crush is seating next to you! Unfortunately he's over the rainbow, next to the door! During classes you couldn't stop admiring his gorgeous back..

You enter in the class and you found out that your desk wasn't there, the chair was the only remaining thing... * *sigh* what kind of school is this!* you though as you hit-slap your forehead . You sat on the chair. You're friend came to you. "Omo! Where's your desk?" She asked shocked "Nvm about that shit! *sigh* so how's going for your date?" You asked. You chit chat with your friend until the bell rang. Everyone went to their seats, everyone was looking at you since you we're the only one that doesn't have a desk. "Doojoon-ah get her the desk outside the door" the math teacher asked your crush to get your desk, since he was the closest one to the door! He was coming toward you with a desk in his arm. You stand up to take the desk. He hand it to you. You underestimated the weight of the desk, it was 100 time heavier than you though! You were going to fall with the des, but Doojoon hold you back. You were really embarrassed. He helped you put the desk at the right place and went back to his seat. You sat down and the teacher was looking at you. “you know that, that’s the way how you light up a fire of a relationship?” he laugh at you “what..?!” you shockily asked as you hide behind your desk cuz you were burden red. “Ohh!!” the whole class entered in the game. “why don’t you ask her out?” the teacher joked. “Ask her out! Ask her out!” everybody sang in chorus as they clapped their hands, making you sweat like crazy! *Omg!! Is he going to ask me out???!! If yes then I’ll thank this damn desk and the whole class!><* you thought while seeing him standing up. But he only stands up and raise his hands telling people to shut up. “Sorry.. I didn’t tell you guys ... But … Umm... I got a girlfriend yesterday..” he shyly said.. The class were soaked silence.. Everyone looked at everyone.. *what the HELL?!!! Breath, Breath, Breath..!* You said to yourself cuz you were going crazy! You were on the verge to let a tear fall, but you hold it..! you were known to be the smiley girl in the school, so you quite needed to show that image..! “Woohooo!!! Congrats!! Woohoo!! You see! In your face teacher! We have nothing!!” you happily sang as you jumped like a crazy! Others followed your lead.

-End of math class-

You were going through the school’s dark, lonelyand forever alone hallway. You felt sooo god damn down! You went in the toilet and cried your life there. He was your crush since years! You liked him sooooooo god damn much! Now he’s telling you he haves a girlfriend!

-Months after-

You were finally recover from your love sick. You’re happy again!:D you stepped in the school and everybody was whispering about something. You went toward a guy and asked him what is happening. “Yoon Doojoon broke up with his mysterious girlfriend!” You dropped the books that you were holding. He announced you; your crush(!) broke up with his girlfriend. You were shocked.. Not happy you felt something that's not well puzzled.. Somewhere in you r mind or should I say your heart? You went into your class still dumbfound about the news.. You sat on your chair and lay your head on your arm and slept on the desk, thinking of the news.. *its not suppose to end like this.. What if I once again fall for his charm and loveliness?* you though The sound of the bell bought you back. You lift your head and sat straight on your chair. Class were starting. You were doing the work that the teacher demanded. You were concentrated but your thought flies once again in your mind. You lift your head to your "ex-crush" and saw him getting up, you quickly look back, straight to your work. You pretend to write something but in reality you were writing shits! You felt a presence walking toward you. You didn't look even if curious was eating over you. Then not long after a shadow hides your light. You pretend to not feel anything and didn't care about it. Then people starts to cough really hard, giving you a sign..! *like I didn't knew there's a person in front of me!* you though. You forced to lift your head and your ex-crush was tending there. His hands are on his back, obviously hiding something.. "Can I help you..?" You awkwardly asked. "Actually.. Yeah.." He said scratching the back of his head "Umm.. Would you be my girlfriend..?" He asked handing you a bouquet of flower that he was hiding behind his back *ahhh!! I'm totally falling for him again!!* you yelled in your mind but hide it, without smile. ".... I... I.. I.." You couldn't say.. "Say yes! Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!" The whole class even the teacher sang in chorus! "I.. I already have a boyfriend.." You rejected him "Ahh.. Oh..!" He shockily spited words. He went back, walking, head downward.. You stands up, without looking you push your chair backward to the wall with the back of your leg. "YAH!! Yoon Doojoon! It’s just a joke!! You are officially my BF NOA!" You yelled as you ran to him and jumped on him. He wasn't ready so he fell and you were both face to face! "Then you are mine NOA!" He cleared things and kisses you!>< "Awwww!!!" The whole class wined as they saw the rightful couple kissing their rightful lover!!:DDDD

My Crush Yoon Doojoon part 1/3Where stories live. Discover now