Day 1, Loosing my mind

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{Angelique POV}

I wake up on a dark Tuesday morning, I sat on the edge of my bed trying to wake up more. I hear a scream from my step mom, and I run to her asking what's wrong. She doesn't answer so I look around and my sister was gone. At first I thought it was a joke, my dad starts to look around the house for her but she was no were to be found. I pull out my phone as fast as I can, my eyes start you water as I dial 911, I hand the phone to my dad because I cant speak.

As he is still talking on the phone I keep looking around, everywhere out side, in my dads work shop, under her bed. I hear syrins so I run out side right behind my dad, the police officer steps out of his car with a note pad and a pin. He asked what she looked like, where she was seen last, and a lot more shit like that. All that was playing in my mind was her wonderful singing voice as an image of her was in my head, my eyes started to water up again.

The police officer asked about her friends, and asked my dad and I to get in the back of the car. We get in and he starts to drive us around. My dad and I keep a look around as the officer asks us more questions. We stop at some abandon house and we get out, the officer rights down something then we go up to the front door. The officer knocks on the door and no one answers so he try's the door it was unlocked so her walks in and we fallow. the roof was caved in and the house was a mess there was trash all over the place and there was used condoms and other stuff every where. the officer looks in some of the back rooms the we walk out of the house. we get back in the car and the officer writes down more notes.

My dad gets on his phone and calls up a good family friend "John" and tells him what is happening. john hangs up and speeds to my house, my mom is looking around the house more and I am sitting outside. I have my ear buds in drowning  myself in music. I lesson to memories by panic! at the disco over and over. John finily gets there and I give him a tight hug he asks a couple questions. then my dad gets in the car with him and they start looking around.

{Chad(my dad) POV}

John and I drive off I start to look every where for my baby girl, Faith. We drive all over my neighborhood  and at the gas station. John and I go to his house and we print out 100s of missing flyers and then we drive by the inner state and we stop at a lot of the different rest stops to hang up flyers and to ask around. But it was no luck, we started driving back to my house, there was a cop in front of us and it pulled up to my house right before we did. 

He asked more questions and said that we can inform our friends and family, then he left again. I made a post on Facebook asking anyone if they have seen this girl, she is 14 and he posted a pic of her. We started having car after car pull up to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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