Chapter Thirteen

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Three days passed before Emily was really able to get up and move without help. Parker had not left her side during that time. He had cooked her meals, helped her bathe and dress and had even managed to keep the house pretty clean.

He had insisted that Emily keep a pistol beside her at all times and he had worn one in a holster on his hip. Emily had not argued with him. She knew that he blamed himself for what had happened and she didn't want to upset him by refusing the protection he was trying to offer her now.

Ed had gone home the day after the attack saying that watching Parker play mother hen was disturbing, unnatural and driving him crazy. They had had nearly constant company between Tyler, Anna, Greg, Ed and Hank. Even Russell Hawke had stopped by once to check on Emily.

"Parker, I just want to run to town and pick up my paycheck from the diner. I'll be back in less than an hour." Emily said matter-of-factly.

"Wait until Wyatt wakes up from his nap and I'll take you." Parker replied without looking away from the tv. Emily shook her head.

"By then the bank will be closed." she said.

"Fine, I'll go get Wyatt up now then." Parker said. Emily laid her hand on his arm.

"Parker, it will be fine. Don't wake him up because you know how cranky he gets."

"Then I'll go get your paycheck and I'll get someone to come sit with you." he said his eyes daring her to argue. She squared her shoulders and met his challenge.

"I need to get out of this house, Parker. It will only take me forty-five minutes or so to get to town and get back." she said.

"Yea and what if John is out there waiting for you…. What happened to you being scared to death of the man?" he demanded.

"I'll take my pistol with me." she promised. "If he does try anything, I'll shoot him." Parker didn't like that idea at all but he knew that Emily needed to get out of the house and he was sure that she was feeling smothered by how closely he'd hovered over her the last few days. Reluctantly he nodded.

"Fine." he said. "But you do not stop that car for anyone or anything except at the diner and the bank and if you are not back within an hour then I'm calling Tyler and we'll both come looking for you." he said.

Emily kissed his cheek and stood up grabbing her purse off the hook by the newly patched front door.

"I love you, Parker." she said.

"I love you too." he replied. She smiled the best she could with her still swollen lips. He always said 'I love you' back to her now… It didn't matter who was around. She guessed that almost losing her for real had changed him.

Emily got in her car and made the long drive to town. She walked in the diner and Paula hugged her gently.

"So good to see you out and about." she said in her raspy voice. "When do you think you'll be able to start back because your replacement is driving me crazy." she added looking over at the tall brunette who was currently flirting with a male customer.

"I don't know for sure yet. I had to beg Parker just to let me leave the house today."

"I don't blame him, baby girl. That man sure did a number on you." Paula said looking at her bruised arms visible under her t-shirt. Emily nodded.

"Do you have my paycheck ready? I need to be getting back home before Parker gets too worried and paces a hole in the floor." Paula laughed and walked back into the kitchen. She came out a minute later and handed Emily an envelope.

"There ya go, baby girl. Get to feeling better soon… for my sake." she added throwing a glance over at the brunette waitress. Emily laughed the best she could with her still sore body

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