Chapter 3

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Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock *mumbled voices* Tick Tock Tick Tock


You felt heavy, and your eyelids didn't want to open, and the migraine you had was pounding in your ears, and that obsessive noise was quite annoying. What was that? A clock? And who is talking? After a few minutes of trying to open your eyes you finally succeeded, regretfully. 

The light of a thousand suns above you didn't make the effort to wake up any more worth it, and caused your head to pound even more. What happened? Where were you? "Urrgh..." You turned over to face away from the place you were lying and looked out to where you were. 

You figured out you were on a couch, and you were in a house that was unfamiliar. The walls were a weird color of purple or... red? You couldn't tell. And the carpet was a blueish color. From where you were you could see a pair of stairs and a doorway to what looked like a kitchen? Also the light that you thought "was from a thousand suns" was actually just a regular light above you. (Their house is the same as in the underground, but this one is on the surface. :P) Then you noticed the two skeletons conversing in the corner of the room, by the stairs. Oh, it was Sans. Who was the other one though? He's very tall, and is he wearing a superhero costume? Weird. That's when he noticed you were awake.

"HUMAN! YOU ARE AWAKE! OH I AM VERY GLAD, I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS SHALL MAKE YOU SOME SPAGHETTI TO CELEBRATE!" Geez was he loud. You had to force yourself to not cover your ears in agony and just nod to him instead. Was he Sans brother? 

"Sorry about that, my brother gets excited when guests are over." Sans said while walking over to you. Well I guess that answered your question. Sitting up, you turned to Sans. 

"Yea I see that, is this your house?" He nodded. "Oh... How did I end up here?" Sans sat on the couch next to you.

"Well I carried you here of course." You covered yourself in the blanket that they appeared to give you while asleep. 

"What happened?" 

"I don't know exactly, You started walking funny and then passed out. Where you drinking at all?" He chuckled. You knew you tended to drink, but not that much.

"No... " Rubbing your temples, you shifted into a more comfortable spot. What the heck was up with this headache? 

"Are you... feeling alright?" He looked at the wall to the opposite side of you.

"Awe, were you worried?" He looked toward you and blushed a little. Wait... blushed? How the heck do skeletons blush? And why was it blue?!?

"A little.... You passed out so suddenly, I don't know what happened." There was still a light blush on his face, it was just too cute. You smiled at him.

"Don't worry about it, it was probably just stress or because I hadn't eaten."  He stayed quiet, staring in front of him, so you continued. "Hey, seriously, don't worry about it okay?"

"It wouldn't bother me so much, if you didn't have so many nightmares while you were out..." You had nightmares? Weird. "You wouldn't stop writhing and growling in your sleep.."

"Hm, I don't remember any nightmares." Truly, you didn't, have you always had nightmares like this? Maybe it was because you lived alone you didn't notice, because there was no one to see. He turned to you and gave you this expression of real worry. REAL worry, not like the worry your fake friends used to give, but real, legitimate worry. He put his skeletal hand on yours, and you felt a blush make its way to your face. 

Just then Papyrus busted into the room, and just as quick as Sans hand was there, it was retracted again and he went back to looking nonchalant. Wow his poker face was good, unlike you whom sat there like a flustered mess. 

A Cry From A Hybrid (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now