Chapter 8

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You shifted slightly, opening your eyes slowly and looking around. Still in Sans' room, but he was nowhere to be seen. You remembered what happened last night and blushed softly as you sat up. Wondering where the little skeleton went to, you made your way out of his room and down the stairs. You didn't hear or see anyone so just figured the two brothers where out at this time, and walked into the kitchen. You made yourself a toasted bagel and munched on it as you walked to your room and pulled out some books from your classes, figuring now would be a good time to study while it was quiet for a bit. So, bagel in mouth and book in hand, you set to study.

After some time of hard studying, you heard the door swing open and the soft sounds of voices through your door. Setting the book you were holding down you walked over and peaked around your door frame, your door being opened a crack. At the door you saw the familiar blue jacket of Sans, and next to him, Alphys. You wondered what they were talking about so decided to listen a bit before greeting them. You were only able to catch the end of their conversation as Alphys seemed to be in a rush to head somewhere. 

"...ood? That sounds strange... " The little dinosaur looked nervous, more than usual. Which only peeked your curiosity. Sans spoke up.

"I'm sure it's nothing, you have a date with Undyne so you better get going. I'll update you if anything new happens." With that he ushered Alphys outside and shut the door. Seeing this as your cue, you stepped out from behind the door and walked over to Sans. Not noticing you at first, you gave him a light tap on the shoulder.

He jumped a bit. "Oh hey (y/n)... " He gave you a light smile. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept well-" You thought of what happened last night and a light blush formed on your cheeks. Sans seemed to notice this, as the blush caught him as well. He rubbed the back of his skull and smiled cheekily, then took your hand in his, as if confirming your thought. He then leaned forward and pecked your cheek with a light kiss, which made the blush you had darken. 

"Wanna go for a walk?" He inquired softly. You smiled and nodded, getting some fresh air would be nice. "Sweet, just take your pill and I'll meet you outside okay?" He let go of your hand and walked outside. You already wanted him near again. 


The park was beautiful. The trees are in full bloom and waved slowly with the wind, it was melodic and made you abnormally calm. A sweet smell of pine wafted through the air. Everything was just so... relaxing. Something you haven't felt in a long time, and with Sans with you it made things that much better. 

He tugged your hand and brought you over to a pair of vacant swings, he sat down at one and you sat at the other. You pushed yourself and swung smoothly, Sans on the other hand was using the chain as a headrest. 

"So (y/n)... " He started. "Do you really like me?" 

The question surprised you, but you were quick to answer. "Of course I like you, if I didn't I wouldn't have kissed you last night." You smiled to him and he smiled back.

"It doesn't bother you that I'm.." He motioned to his skeletal self, and you shook your head in response.

"It doesn't bother me one bit, does it bother you that I'm a weird half human?" You let out a small giggle and he laughed along with you.

"Not at all."

"That's good..." You replied quietly. The wind picked up and blew some of your hair into your face, putting a hand to your cheek you brushed it behind your ear. 

Sans was staring deeply at you, but then he noticed something and looked away, his head tilted towards the sky. 

"Looks like there's gonna be some rain." You wondered what he meant, because it was such a nice day out but when you looked at were he was mentioning, you noticed dark, luminous clouds forming in the distance. Sans stood up and turned to you.

"ready to head back?"


On the way back to the house, Sans got tired so you ended up giving him a piggy back home. Glancing behind you couldn't help but notice the storm clouds that had gotten a lot worse by now. In effect this caused you to speed up you pace slightly, but under the extra weight it was kinda hard. It wasn't long before a small drizzle started, that turned to a downpour way quicker than you wanted. Hoping Sans would wake up soon you begrudgingly made your way. 

Suddenly your vision became blurry, and your surroundings distorted. Becoming panicked, you stopped and looked around... then... you were back at the house? 

You made a confused face, but at the same time was thankful to be back at the house. There was only one thing wrong.

Where was Sans?

[[[[Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than usual =O= I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, and figure out how I want the rest of the story to go. I'm also thinking about starting another story about my OC, but I dunno if I will because I've been extremely busy and stressed recently. And last thing, if you have any idea on which way you would like this story to go I wouldn't mind taking suggestions into consideration. See you next time!]]]]

A Cry From A Hybrid (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now