How to become smarter!

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How to be smart!



Set goals once a week. Do the important things first. This helps because you might need to do a important project and you decide to go and play football instead. And the night before the project is due you are rushing around and may not even finish.Yor teacher will be able to tell 2 things you've rushed it and you haven't put any effort into it.

Work on your vocabulary. Read good books (not bestsellers), try to use a few definitions from the dictionary each day, or subscribe to a "word-of-the-day" service on-line. You can also take the vocabulary tests in Readers Digest or buy a book on increasing your working vocabulary. Read the dictionary one letter at a time. This will take you a year at least but you will grow intellectually.

Further your education. Keep in mind an education isn't the junk you are forced to do in school for diplomas and degrees; it's an understanding of the world around you. People who are naturally curious for some reason begin to stop asking questions the moment they hit school. The truly brilliant mind however, always questions their world and tries to make sense of it. That is the secret to "genius". Do not let the relentless orders and busywork of school called an "education" fool you. Schools are one potential resource if you enjoy the environment but by no means are they necessary for brilliance and by no means are they the best way. For more information learn about Unschooling. Note the significant contributions Unschoolers have made.

Watch the news and talk about recent things that have happened around the world. Try to watch (or, more preferably, read) the news everyday for the rest of your life. Also analyze it for the media does occasionally sell propaganda.

Cultivate an interest in subjects like current events, interesting facts, funny and inspiring quotations, good books and movies, scientific studies and interesting inventions. Educational television is a great way to learn. Check out PBS or History channel. People who have something to talk about other than their own internal problems and worries appear far more interesting and intelligent.

Read good books. They will make you both appear and be smarter. Reading really is fun and your mind will grow. Keep your reading diverse by reading books of all genres including non-fiction. Make sure the books are interesting to you. As you read more you will soon learn that, just like movies, some books are better than others. Keep searching out the ones you think are good. If not sure what to read... ask a teacher or go to the library. Get a library card.

Be organized. Begin each day by planning. Get a notebook or small digital planner to write down your daily homework assignments and write down the due dates for tests and papers. Get a weekly planner with your class schedule and plan your activities. Get a monthly calender to write down birthdays and big events. Write down what classes you have, when to do homework and what your homework is, dates, when you are hanging out with friends etc. all in your planner.

Learn to listen carefully to others' opinions about controversial things, or things they know about and you do not. You do not have to agree with them but remember everybody has something to teach you. Keep an open mind. The more intelligent you are the more questions you will ask of your friends, teachers and parents. It is great for social conversations too but don't do it in class.

Be nice to people. Care about the well being of others. Sometimes people don't realize if another person is hurting or sad. Look at their faces and in their eyes when you talk to them. There will always be bullies. They may call you names: a nerd, a freak, a geek, or use a racial or homophobic slur, but in this case they really will only be jealous and petty. Being nice to all people is also a sign of maturity, class and intelligence. Keep it up and people will notice. You will start to feel very good inside. Sometimes a good tactic is to go along with their mockery and laugh at yourself. Stand up for people who are getting bullied even if you might start getting bullied. Never insult anyone, gossip or hurt someone physically. Don't make offensive jokes.If someone is abusive to you, you can ignore them or go to adults for advice on how to deal with them. Be respectful to yourself, friends, parents and teachers.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2009 ⏰

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