Chapter One - Life before LA

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I just want to let everyone know that my chapters get longer and better as the story progresses. Enjoy!


It was the last day of my senior year in high school. I had never been so excited in my entire life and I couldn't wait to move to LA in my gap year. Walking the beach every day, skateboarding down the California streets, and eating at every restaurant my legs can carry me to seems like too much of a dream. Then I realized that I was daydreaming once my best friend Shaylee had began to talk to me.

"Helloo?! Kaylen?" She said, looking at me with one of her 'concerned' faces. She looked more confused than anything.

"Wh- what? Sorry, I zoned.. Did you say something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I said that the bell just rang, are you coming or what?" she spat as she got up out of her chair.

"Let me go to my locker. I'll meet you at your car." I smiled. She rolled her eyes at me and walked out the door.

As I was walking through the hallways, some of my underclassmen friends waved goodbye and told me to call them over the summer. Once I reached my locker, one of my closest friends walked up to me, hugging me from behind. At first I didn't know who the hell it was so I turned quickly to see Jakob, my best friend since pre-school. We have lived next door to each other for years and we have always known each other.

"Hey girly! Excited to graduate tonight?" He asked with the biggest smile on his face, as usual.

"Obviously, I'm finally getting out of this hell hole we call 'Vacationland'."

"Hey, some people actually like it here." He said using his double jointed thumbs to tell me who he was talking about. "You know, I'm really going to miss you..."

"I'm going to miss you too obviously! We've been friends since the beginning and I'm actually really scared to leave you. I already know you can't handle yourself even if I am here." I laughed.

"Ha ha, you're hilarious." He said, smiling that same old smile. Dimples on each cheek and white teeth. Even though they weren't perfect since he never got braces, they were still really nice. "Stare much?" I didn't even notice that I was almost drooling at his smile, but I can't help it, like I said, they're almost perfect!

"oops, sorry," I said, "I can't help it." As I was apologizing to him, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I grabbed it and looked to see that Shaylee was texting me, asking where I was and what was taking me so long. "Hey Jakob, I really have to go, I'll see you tonight at graduation." I said, grabbing everything out of my locker and shoving it into my bag.

"Yeah, see you tonight. We should grab dinner after! It will be a good way of saying goodbye." He said.

"Sounds like a plan." I winked. "Bye!"

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