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I put on my black dress, and slip my shoes on. Today's the day. The funeral. My parents and I were out shopping when those things attacked. I hid, and then some guy- he said he was an agent- found me. My parents didn't make it. I was told they died quickly, but, I know that's a lie.

"Are you ready?" I hear a woman ask through the door.

"Almost! I'll be down in a minute, you can start the car!" I open a small box, and delicately pull out a ring. I stare at it, and run my thumb over the jeweled owl.

Knock knock

"Come in!" I slide the ring on my left hand.

"It's been ten minutes. Are you sure you want to go?" The redhead, Natasha I think, pokes her head in.

"No, no. I need to be there. I just..." I show her the ring. "My mother gave this to me when I turned thirteen. She said it would always keep me safe. I had it in my purse when..." I look up at her, and she smiles at me.  "Ok, let's go." I say and we head outside. 

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