Caution: hot

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We're all sitting in the main room, drinking coffee- except me, I have a cup of hot chocolate.

"Anyone else need theirs heated?" Tony asks, grabbing any cold drinks. "Fenna?"

"No thanks, mine's fine." I say before I take a sip of my steaming cocoa.

"Must be super insulated for it to still be warm." Banner half jokes.

Everyone sits in awkward silence for a couple minutes before Thor says something.

"Man of iron! We are lacking sufficient amounts of the tarts of pop!" He shouts as he eats the last one.

"Whelp, guess we gotta go get some snacks." Clint says and quickly stands up. "Wanna go, Fenna?" He gives me a look, and I get up.

"Sure." Everyone glances over at me when I get up.

We head down the stairs and walk into a town, I think we're in the UK. We pick up enough boxes of pop tarts to last a month, and I got some chocolate too. On the way back, I see a store.

"Hey, can we go into this one real quick?" I ask Clint, and he nods.

"Make it quick." He blurts out as I rush into the store, instantly surrounded by so many different colors and smells. Rosemary.

I walk around, picking up a new pair of shoes- since the ones I'm wearing now have holes in the bottom. I'm about to check out when I see a necklace. It's simple, with a panda charm on the bottom. Holy crap it's adorable! Mine. I think as I grab it, and then pay for my things.

"Find everything you need, dear?" The lady at the register asks, and I nod. "Aren't you cold? It's nearly freezing outside." She looks at me.

"No, I'm fine. It doesn't really feel cold outside." I notice she has a golden headband on, and it has little horns on it. Cute.

"Thank you, it's pure gold." She says, and then looks up at me as she hands me the bag.

I nod and walk out, and when I get back to the ship I realize, I didn't say anything to her about her headband.


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