Rumored Capmon

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They all stared at her huge present that had been waiting on her desk. "This this a Gacha box, isn't it ?" Anzu asked. "Yeah. A Capsule Monster one," Yugi said as he nodded. "They're popular with elementary school kids right now. In the Capsule is a monster. You use it in the game like chess. The one who defeats all his enemies wins.  What's interesting is until the game begins,  all you know is your opponent's monster level. To be honest right now I'm really into it too !"

Trust Yugi to know so much about games, She thought.  Maybe I should learn how to play simce Yugi seems to like it so much. The bad part was that Chess was a game she never completely understood and never got to play either. 

"A closed heart necklace and earnings from Tiffany's !" Miho cheered as she opened a few capsules to see jewelry. "Who sent this to school ?" Anzu questioned.  "From Warashibe-kun, he's a college student I ran into recently and a friend of Yugi's," She answered. 

To be honest she did not feel comfortable around the College student,  even if he was a friend of Yugi's. He was tall, gangly and always sucking on a stripped lollipop and wore large wire glasses. He was a bit of a creep and made her hair stand on edge but she tolerated him for Yugi's sake.

A little later

"Are there any Capumon left," She asked when Yugi got back. "Capumon ? Yeah.  Why do you ask ?" Yugi asked, he seemed surprised.  "Well you said you liked to play Capumon so I'd thought I would learn."

In her hand was a Level 1 Capumon named Flower Man and the name suited it since it looked like a flower. It's not really cute, She thought as she found herself playing against Yugi. After getting beaten by Yugi did she hug the Baby Panda. "Thanks, Yugi." Leaving the blushing boy she went to her room.

Next day

She woke up pretty early and decided to leave Yugi to sleep. Not much happened at School but something seemed to be bugging Yugi. He did not even walk back with her. 

However it did not take long for her to figure out what was up since Yugi appeared wearing a bag over his head. "I know it's you Baby Panda," She pointed out to the boy who was trying in vain to scare her.

A stripped lollipop flew and hit Yugi. Playing the role of The Prince on a White Horse, as the weirdo continued to babble did she explode. "How dare you force the Baby Panda to do something like this !" Grabbing her arm she smacked him with her bag. "No, no, no !" She yelled until he let go of her. 

Grabbing Yugi from his seat on a trash bag did she have them run away as the creep called out,"Baby !"

Next day

Yugi had apologized while Jounouchi laughed. Yeah, everyone knew and so far Jounouchi, Anzu and Honda agreed the collage student was a creep. Sitting down her tray she noticed that the three each had a glass of water. Weird.


All three experienced really bad stomach pain and were landed in the Nurse's Office. She did feel bad for them, after all they were in a lot of pain. Soon she found out the cause after reading a letter left in her locker. 

Heavenly punishment has been dealt to those who meddle with fate, She read. The next sentence made her feel like she had eaten metal. You can relax on my chest, The letter said. Crushing the disgusting paper she marched straight to Yugi and showed him what her obsessed stalker had written. 

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