A Bomb makes the Worst Date

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"Domino Amusement  Park's pool ?" She questioned as Miho seemed to cheer. "Anzu and Yugi are definitely going on a date !" Jounouchi blurted. "Let's go tomorrow.  We should definitely  go, Miho-chan !" Honda gushed.

   You just want to see Miho in a bathing suite. Anzu no doubt was responsible with this so called date. "It sounds like fun, and it's been a little hot lately. I'm in."

"Alright ! Let's go and expose the truth !" Jounouchi agreed. "But Anzu and Yugi  are...It's so likely, it's scary," He sweat dropped.

Next day

For some reason the three had dragged her behind the fence as the two came into view.  "Here it is ! A two shot !" The blonde said. Placing her shades on top of her head she replied," No idea what that is. Pool time." It took her all night to pick a swim suite, all trainers should have more than one bathing suite.

"Hey !" Jounouchi yelped. Not long did Miho join her. Of course Honda followed closely behind with a camera. Creepy perv wants to record Miho in her bathing suite ? Ew. Jounouchi and Honda really did look like shady pervert creeps through.

A little later

"You know you guys look like stalkers or something ?" She asked as the two idiots as they hid behind the stairs. Both turned to look at her as their faces turned cherry red. "Alice, you have a even more sexy, dynamite body then Anzu," Jounouchi commented on her purple and white lacy lingerie themed two piece swim suite.

Looking over she saw Anzu and Yugi on a tube as they went down. Anzu wore a rather boring blue two piece while Miho wore a pink one piece. "Well I'll leave you guys to get yourself arrested," She replied as she fanned herself.

"You brat !" Yugi yelled as he ran past her while chasing some kid with a squirt gun. "Hi Yugi !" She greeted. The little panda skidded to a halt as he looked at her with wide eyes with a red face.

 "Alice ? What are you doing here ?" Yugi said still red faced as he stared at her. "It's hot and I wanted to have some fun," She said with a smile and wink. And to get Anzu's claws off you. "I saw a fun tube ride, want to join me ?"

"Okay, Anzu has been for 20 minutes trying to tan. So boring," Yugi complained. "2o minutes, sounds like she can't even tan. Come on Yugi, let's have some fun," Grabbing Yugi's hand they headed for the water slides.

"Let's ditch boring Anzu," She said. The two of them went down the fun rides and went swimming.

3rd pov

After Anzu faked drowning she noticed Yugi was missing. Getting changed Anzu noticed Jounouchi following me. "Pervert ! He touched me !" She bellowed. Jounouchi was quickly pounced on by two ticked of guys who demanded he tell them what he did to her.

"Jounouchi ? What are you doing here ?" Anzu asked. "Me and the others came to see if you and Yugi were really on a date. Well Alice said it was too hot and she wanted to swim," Jounouchi paused before he added seriously ," Alice really has a sexy body, it's even better then yours."

   This got him smacked. Glancing in the corner of her eye she noticed Alice in a sundress sipping on a drink with Yugi right beside her. "I knew she'd steal him sooner or later. This is war Alice,' Anzu growled before storming off.


They had changed clothes to dry off for a bit. Throwing her drink away she had an idea. "Yugi, let's play tag. Your it !" She said as she tapped Yugi's shoulder before running off. "Alice, wait !" Yugi cried but she quickly covered more ground.

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