Hey, so this is my first fan fiction on this account, my other account is crosscountry95221 but I can only access it on pay phone and this is an iPad, so yeah. You can just call me andrea. This is the sequel to Always loved

Ponyboy's POV

Man, Ann is out with her friends and nick is out with jade, and the gang is out at a rumble against some new gang. which I cannot attend because I'm looking for a ring to give to Ann. I haven't told anyone but I am planning on proposing to Ann weather Steve or Darry likes it or not. Besides, Andrew would think its a good idea if he was still in Tulsa. He is going college with Bailey in California. Sometimes I think about waiting until she is not 17 anymore but she is almost 18 so what difference does it make? We still love each other. I'm waiting for her to get back so we could go jays. And in case your wondering why we're not going to the dingo, it's because it blew up two years ago. Ha! This ones perfect. It's a nice shiny silver ring with a row of gold diamonds. She'll love it. I put it in a box that says Ann on it and the door swings open. I quickly hide it behind my back and Steve gives me a questioning look?"hey, Ponyboy! Whatcha got behind your back?" Soda comes in asking.This is not going to end well for me.
" nothing!" I say with a chuckle. Big mistake. They both glance at each other and they both pin me against the wall making me drop the box. Soda's restraining me and Steve picks up the box. He opens it.then he laughs.soda lets go to see what's in the box and Steve calms down. He comes over to me and pats me on the back.
" ya know, she has been waiting for you to ask her. She won't shut up about it.It's about time! But if you hurt her I'll break you in half or hunt you down, ya dig?" I nod my head and oh, to my luck, Ann is leaning against the wall.
"Are you taking me out or what?" She says smiling. I've gotta love her. Seriously, I just can't help it, it's a burning flame.
"Yes. Um, just let me get the keys."okay, I know I had them somewhere.
" check your pockets!" She laughs. She was right. They were in my pockets.
" after you" I say
"No, after you"
"I insist"
"No, it's the least I can do for my fiancé".  So this is how she'll play it.
"Oh yeah", thankfully everyone has left the room for my to say this," well if you don't go then I'm gonna kiss you until you do." I say thinking that she would blush and go because I actually have never kissed her except for on the cheek.I was wrong. She grabs the collar of my shirt ad drags me to the couch saying go ahead. She pulls me until we fall on the couch, me on top of her. I suddenly get this different feeling. I don't know what it is but I see her differently. The spark of the moment turned into a wildfire and for the first time our lips meet. Me make-out for a while until my bedroom door swings open but we don't stop.
"Um, wow, this is new",someone says referring to what me and Ann are doing,"don't get too carried away"
Man I swear I know that voice and I can tell Anne feels the same. We both pull away and look up towards the doorway.
"Andrew!!!"me and my fiancé yell in almost unison.
" Hey dude, how ya doing" he says to me
" great"
" I saw that" he says awkwardly making me and Ann blush a deep red.
"So how is the one and only Ann Randell or should I say Ann Curtis!"
"Surprised,amazing, same as him." She says referring to me as 'him'.
"So what brings you here?" I ask
"Um, well... I have some good news, Me and bailey are getting married here in Tulsa and I need you to me my best man and Bailey wants Ann as one of her bridesmaids!"he announces jumping up
" woah! That's great we knew that you two were meant to be!" I say quickly because I really want to get back to what me and Ann were doing.
"Yeah. Well I'll leave you two to get back to that thing that you were doing. I have to go visit Kristina any way. Have fun! Not too much fun though."He says heading towards the door.  I grab the keys off the floor and I drive us to jays where we just talk and eat and laugh and continue to love each other. When we finish I pay the bill and we head back to my house. I had the right of way but when they hit I just had to grab her hand. I couldn't find it in time. It's already too late.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2015 ⏰

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