Chapter Five

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The Journey Goes On...................

I wish I didn't do what I had done

I wish the distance hadn't separated us

And I wish I could just get him back

I remember those moments and cry

I remember the love he had shown for me

And feel all guilty and sad

I wish I wasn't so selfish, stupid and an idiot

But above all I wish him to be happy

To be the person he was made to be

And I knew this had to be done,

I had to let him go

To see his happiness

He doesn't know it

But I still write those letters for him

I still see his WhatsApp pic

And I cry but mostly I feel happy

Seeing that smile

That smile that made me fall for him hard

That smile that just asked me to kiss it away

That smile that was just reserved for my smile

That smile that just took my heart away

And those eyes in which I could be lost

For a million years and yet feel

Like a few second have only passed away.

I miss him sometimes so much that I just want to tell him to take me back with him

But then I realize that I am going to just create problems in his life

And it's the worst feeling ever to want to be with someone yet stop yourself from that

Yes, I haven't moved from him yet

Yes, I still love him and would love him till my death

But it's not life if you get all you ever wanted

Sometimes you have to stay away for the benefit of the person

That matter to you the most in this world.

This is the end of this story, I hope you guys loved and enjoyed it. Please show your love by voting and commenting. Thanks for the support guys.

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