Fix the past (Paul Zimmer)

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Chapter 1: Alexis's POV

I ran outside of my apartment, to my mailbox. I stopped at the mailbox, opening it up. There it sat, a letter from Samuel Zimmer. I yanked it out, running inside my small apartment. I sat down, staring at the last name Zimmer....


**** End of flashback

The last name Zimmer, gives me so many memories...And they are hot happy ones. What would the Zimmers want with me? I tore it open, seeing the paper.

Dear Alexis,

Pauls brother Tyler has died... And we know you guys were good friends and we hope you can come. Please? June, 12, 2013 @ 1:30.

Awe! I really liked Tyler! Of course I was going, it was tomorrow so I guess Paul will be there so yay! Note the sarcasm. I laid the paper down, deciding to call my friend Ally. I quickly dialed her number. 1 ring....2 ring..... "Hey babez!" she said, making the sides of my mouth tug into a small smile. "Hey sexy!" I replied. "Whatz up?" she asked. "Um ya know Tyler Zimmer?" I asked, knowing she would say yes. "Yes, he is so sweet." she replied. "He was sweet. He died and I got invited to his funeral. And gueds who is gonna be there.." I said trailing off towards the end. "Oh, Paul..." she said, sounding a bit sad. She was always there for me, when I was sad my parents were always traveling and never had time for me. So she comforted me and helped me, and sometimes stood up for me. "Yea..." "Well hey I have to take grammy to the docs..." she laughed, making me laugh. "Have fun sexy beast!" I laughed. "You too babez!" she said, hanging up. I glanced back at the later on the counter every few seconds. I'm going, Tyler was a good friend of mine, he would have gone to mine. Even if Paul is going to be there...

****Next Day

I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing its freaking clock system off. I hit snooze, burying my head in my pillows. "The funeral.." I said, to myself. I had graduated about a year ago so I havent seen him since....and I was happy about it! I mentally groaned sitting up, I ran ky fingers through my long brown hair. I stood up trudging to my closet. It was 11:30, yes I like to sleep in....And I had to drive 45 minutes. I grabbed a black skinny jeans and a black loose shirt and a red beenie with my blacl combat boots. Call me goth, but im not anywjere near goth. I used to make fun of them, not like to the point where they would commit suicide or anything just mentally. I walked to the bathroom, putting on foundation and some blush and mascara. I oulled my hair into a side fishtail braid. I smiled in satisfaction and grabbed my purse amd headed towards starbucks. I made it uo there in about 10 minutes tops. I opened my door, walking in the door. I ordered a caramel ribbon crunch frappe. (which are delicious!) I handed the lady a 5 and she gave me back my change. I walked out and getting into my car, looking it was 12:45. I sped up getting there just in time. I walked in the church, seeing so many familiar faces. Samuel, Paul and Tylers dad came hugging me. "Glad you came!" he said to me. "Im glad I could make it! And im so sorry." I told him. I walked over to all the pictures, seeing me in a couple of them. I smiled, remembering Tyler. I turned around and headed for one of the pews, I sat down looking around. I stopped my eyes, his eyes met mine, and I froze. He smirked at me mouthing the word 'clutz'.

Authors Note:

so hope you guys liked the first chapter?! Comment like and vote?! Yes? No? Also chapters will be getting way longer!!! :):)

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