Chaper 1

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One rainy day late July, a women named Catherine Woods decided that she was going to make young girls with cancer feel beautiful. Catherine's inspiration for this idea was her 6 year old niece named Lexi. Lexi was diagnosed with brain cancer a few weeks ago. Although Catherine was upset, she promised herself that she would create a new Disney princess so she could prove that girls without hair can be and are very beautiful. Lexi meant everything to Catherine. Catherine's twin sister Anglia (Lexi's mother) had died just moments after giving birth to Lexi. Anglia knew she wasn't going to make it through Lexi's birth. She was too weak. Anglia's last words were "sisters by chance, friends by choice. I leave Lexi in your hands. Take care of her. Goodbye Catherine." Lexi's father, Andrew, had died in a car accident on the night Lexi was born. He received a phone call from Catherine while he was at work. Catherine told him that Anglia was in labor. He quickly got into his car and started driving to the hospital. A drunk driver drove through a red light at 90 miles an hour and hit the driver's side of Andrew's car. Andrew was instantly killed. That day Catherine lost her best friend. Catherine was the only family Lexi ever had. Lexi never even got to spend one moment with her parents before they died.
About 5 months before Lexi's 7th birthday, Catherine scheduled a doctors appointment for Lexi to see how she was doing with the brain cancer.
"Come on Lexi you have to go to your doctors appointment." Catherine said.
"But I don't wanna go. I don't like going to the doctor's." Lexi replied with a worried voice.
"I know you don't baby, but you have to."
On their way to the doctors office, Lexi looked over at Catherine.
"What's going to happen to me aunt Catherine."
A few moments of silence passed.
"I don't know honey, but no matter what happens I just want you to know that you are a very beautiful girl and I love you so very much."
"I love you too"
Once they finally got to the parking lot of the doctors office, Catherine got out of the car and got Lexi out of her car seat. As she was carrying Lexi over to the building, she started thinking about what could happen to Lexi. Catherine was not paying attention to where she was walking. It was Luke she was daydreaming.
"AUNT CATHERINE!!" Lexi screamed.
The next thing Catherine heard was the sound of a loud horn. Catherine quickly squeezed Lexi close to her and jumped back as fast as she could. After a large truck had passed, it was silent. Lexi broke the silent air with tears of fright. Catherine pulled Lexi close to her chest and hugged her.
"Oh my gosh! Lexi I'm so sorry!"
Catherine started rocking Lexi back and forth in her lap trying to calm her down. Once they got inside the doctors office, they were assigned to do 27. The doctor went in and asked a bunch of questions about how Lexi had been feeling and how she was acting. After Catherine answered all the questions, Dr. Robertson said he would be back soon with an estimation on what would happen to Lexi based on the answers Catherine had given him. About 2 hours after Dr. Robertson left the room he came back and found Lexi asleep on Catherine's lap with Catherine's arms holding Lexi so she wouldn't fall. Catherine took her eyes off of Lexi's calm, peaceful, sleeping face and looked at the doctor.
"As you know, Lexi has a very severe case of brain cancer. Lexi will live for roughly 3 more months. I'm so sorry."
Catherine looked over at Lexi and started to cry just thinking about the fact that she was going to lose Lexi. Catherine closed her eyes and pictured Lexi's beautiful, glowing smile. As tears began to flow down Catherine's face, Dr. Robertson told her to tale Lexi home and enjoy the last couple months she had left with Lexi. Catherine took Lexi into her arms and started to walk out of the cold building. She looked out the window, took off her coat and put it around Lexi's sleeping body to keep her from getting wet from the rain.
"Lexi. Wake up we're home."
As soon as Lexi got out of the car she ran inside to call her grandmother. Lexi never got to see her grandmother because she lived so far away.
"Hi grandma."
"Hey Lexi. It's so good to hear your voice again. I miss you so much."
"I miss you too grandma."
"Lexi, is aunt Catherine there? I really need to talk to her."
"Yeah, aunt Catherine is here. Here she is."
"Hi Catherine. It's mom."
"Oh hey mom. How have you been?"
"It's been a little crazy but everything is good."
"Well that's good to hear. Me and Lexi just got home from the doctor's office. The first thing she did when we got home was run in the house and call you. She didn't even take of her shoes or jacket."
"Awe isn't that adorable. She is such a sweet little girl. She brings joy to a lot of people's lives."
"Yeah she does. She is always so happy. You'd think that with everything she's gone through she wouldn't be this happy."
Well she's young. She probably doesn't remember a lot of what has happened to her."
"I've told her everything."
"You did what? How could you?"
"She deserves to know! She shouldn't have to live her life not knowing what happened to her parents. Besides it doesn't even seem to bother her."
"I guess you're right. Anyway, what happened at the doctor's? What did they say?"
"Well... She has roughly 3 months left to live. I don't know what I'm going to do without her. She doesn't even get to have her 7th birthday. I just with I had more time with her."
"I know. We all do. But we have to make these last months amazing cause it'll go by fast. Have you told her yet?"
"No. I don't think I should tell her. I mean she's so happy. It would feel wrong to take her happiness away. Plus she wouldn't understand. She's the last thing I have of Anglia."
"I know honey. Its hard for MW too. I think we should just cherish the time we have left with her. But I think that you both need some rest. You guys sound like you've had a long day. So call me when you wake up. I love you, goodnight."
"Night mom, love you too."
A week later Catherine finished drawing a picture of what the new Disney princess would look like. Lexi's grandmother moved next door so she could be with Lexi for the little time she had left and so she could be with Catherine when Lexi dies. But Lexi didn't know that her grandmother moved next door because of her cancer. Lexi didn't even know she had just months left to live. Catherine had to call Lexi's grandmother to come watch Lexi so she could go to the Disney Studio so she could propose her idea to the producer of Disney Channel.
As Catherine was going out the door, she turned around and kissed Lexi on the forehead.
"I will be back soon. I love you."
"I love you too aunt Catherine."

hen Catherine finally got to the Disney Studio, she found the producer and told him her ideas. He approved the new princess and said that he would arrange for someone to work with her about the new movie. But it would tale a couple of months before they could put the movie on TV.
"What do you want the princess's name to be?"
Catherine thought that the princess's name she be something brave, beautiful, kind, thoughtful, strong and loyal. She thought for a very long time for the perfect t name for this new princess. A couple months had passed. Catherine had been going to the Studio every night to work on the new princess. When Catherine came home one night Lexi raced over to hug her.
"Hey sweetie. Sorry I wasn't home for dinner. I got stuck in traffic. What did you have for dinner?"
"We had soup."
"Oh yeah? Well I hope it was good. Here, go get ready for bed and I'll come tuck you in soon. Okay?"
After everyone was ready for bed, Catherine went to tuck Lexi in before she went to bed. As she walks into Lexi's room, she saw Lexi laying on the floor, unconscious.
"LEXI! Someone call 911! Hurry!"
On their way to the hospital Lexi was going in and out of consciousness. When she opened her eyes she was laying in the hospital with Catherine right next to her.
"Aunt Catherine?"
"Yes baby?"
"Where am I?"
"You're in the hospital. How do you feel?"
"My head hurts."
When the doctor came into the room, both Lexi and Catherine looked at him. Catherine stood up and walked out of the room so she could talk to the doctor without letting Lexi hear the doctor.
"She lasted a lot longer then she was supposed to. She was supposed to live for only 3 months. Its been 7 months. You are very lucky you got extra time with her. She is going to die very soon. Within a couple of days."
Tears started falling down Catherine's face.
"Can you keep her alive for her 7th birthday? Please? I have a very special gift for her and I want her to be able to see it."
"I'll try my best, but I can't promise anything."
Catherine went back into the room and sat me,t to Lexi and just held her hand.
"Aunt Catherine, Why are you crying?"
"Well because honey, when sad things happen people cry."
"What happened that is sad?"
"Nothing that you need to know baby. Okay?"
"Okay aunt Catherine."
"You should get some rest now."
"Please stay here with me."
"I will honey. I promise."
When they woke up Catherine looks over at Lexi and wakes her up.
"Happy 7th birthday baby. I have something to show you."
"What is it?"
"You'll see later. I promise. But first let's get you something to eat. What do you want?"
"Can I have eggs with bacon and toast?"
"Sure you can sweetie."
After the day was almost over, Lexi was eager to dine out what Catherine had to show her.
"What is it?"
"Hand me the remote please."
Lexi reaches over the table next to the hospital bed and handed Catherine the remote. Catherine quickly turned on the Disney Channel.
"So what did you have to show me?"
"You'll see. You just have to watch this new princess movie to find out. Okay?"
At the end of the movie Lexi looked over at Catherine.
"So what did you have to show me?"
"Remember the princess in the movie?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"She's just like you. She has cancer. She doesn't have any hair. She's 7 years old. She's brave, beautiful, kind, thoughtful, strong and loyal. Her name is Lexi."
"Just like me!"
"Yes. Just like you. I'm the one who created her. I created her just for you. That's my present from my to you for your birthday."
"Really? That's the best birthday present every. Thank you so much aunt Catherine. I love you."
No problem baby. I love you too. I hope you had a good day."
"I had an awesome day thanks to you."
I love you Lexi. Don't ever forget that."
"I won't. I promise."
Just a couple of minutes after the movie ended Catherine heard a long beeping noise. She looked over at the monitor as tears ran down her face. Lexi does the night of her 7th birthday. Catherine was happy that she knew that Lexi died happy. Catherine leaned over and kissed Lexi on her forehead and whispered under her breathe trying to stay strong.
"I'll never forget you Lexi. You will always be in my heart. I love you princess."

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