Hey,here is chapter 4! The video on top is kuroko no baske op1.
Kuroko no baske is a basketball anime!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When everyone got to Game Stop, Therese ran up to the Xbox One Sample and started playing Halo5. Everyone started laughing at Therese because she was the first one who ran to the Xbox One. After 5 minutes, Therese got bored and asked Skye if he wanted to play 1v1 on Black OPS3 since Skye said to Therese He can beat her in any game. So Therese and Skye was playing Black OPS 3 on the Xbox One while Everyone else was watching them. The friends who were watching Skye and Therese play were picking teams who would win or not.
~Le Time Skip~
After 10 minutes, they game was over and the winner was...a tie! Therese and Skye both got 7 kills on each other. Then Skye asked Therese if she knew what a turtle beaches is.
"No, what is that?" Therese asked.
"Well they are these high quality headsets w/ surround sound and really good to use in shooting games" Skye explained.
"Ah okay! Lemme buy one!" Therese exclaimed.
After the conversation, SKYE ACTUALLY BOUGHT THERESE SOMETHING EXPENSIVE!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~