Chapter Four

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I was lying on my rock-hard bed trying to fall to sleep, when a knock at the door made me jump. My footsteps made a soft patter as I walked across the wooden floor but my hard-beating heart created a steady thump. I lifted the ripped curtains to check who it was before I opened the door as I would not open the door late at night to a stranger. I go to unlock the door as I know that it is Vince on the other side.

We just stare at each other for a while before he gains the confidence to mutter a hello. I feel an overwhelming amount of relief wash over me as I thought I would never see Vince again after I rejected him. "Come in" I tell him as I hold the door open for him.

After I offer him a drink and he declines, we both take a seat on my small couch. I don't know where to begin so we just awkwardly avoid eye contact, waiting for the other person to start talking. As I shake my head and laugh lightly to myself I almost start to say something but Vince interrupts me by saying, "I am sorry. I over reacted and it was so stupid."

"No not at all." I say in a comforting voice trying to show him that it wasn't his fault. At that moment it seemed everything was forgiven, Vince had feelings for me but I didn't return them and for now it seems okay. I wrap my arms around Vince's broad frame and bring him in for a hug trying to make it like it wasn't awkward at all.

A thunderous bang at my front door broke us apart as we both stared in horror where the noise came from. It sounded like someone was trying to break the in two. At the thought of this started panicking all over again but for completely different reason this time. I exchange a glance at Vince and he looks towards the door, I nod allowing him to open it. As he walks towards the door I head in the opposite direction going to Poppy's room to tell her not to worry.

When I get there Poppy is curled up on her tiny bed with her head in her knees. I immediately run to comfort her, picking her up and going to see who was at the door after all.

When I get there I almost drop Poppy out of shock. The person at the door was a band of Officers.

The Officers must being saying something to me because they have a fumingly angry look on their faces. They stared me down making it look like they could rip a head off just to get their way. I wasn't able to respond to what they were obviously yelling at me because I was so crippled with fear.

Surely they wouldn't hurt me in front of a child? Maybe they would just take me back for questioning? But even as I tried to reassure myself with these idealistic dreams, I knew that this was not the case. This was serious!

I start to feel dizzy at the thought of losing everything that is important to me. My vision clouds over due to the tears that are now streaming down my face. I don't care about showing a weak side in front of Vince and Poppy but I can no longer keep a hold of my emotions.

I am probably going to be taken away forever for lying to an Officer and erasing the only information they had on me. During a war like this doing a small crime is something we can't afford. So maybe one day I can understand why this has happened to me but for now am so angry I can't think logically. What did I do wrong? I don't deserve this.

I reach out for Poppy to give her what could be the last embrace I ever give her. But before I can grasp her I am ripped away by an Officer who has come up behind me and picked me up by the waist. "Poppy!" I scream so loud that it rips my throat. Locking eyes with Vince I tell him in a stern voice so that he could never disobey. "Vincent, listen to me. You have to look after her for me. You hear me?" I see him nod in reply and I know that I can trust him to keep his promise.

Before I can even say my last words to Poppy I am taken out the door in one hard and fast motion. I try to fight the man who has my hands in a tight grasp but I too weak against him. I am shoved so hard into the backseat of the car that ended up hitting my head on the roof. Squished into the middle of the car flanked by two of the Officers who took me away, I feel more defeated than I think I ever had before. How could I just sit here and let them take me away from my family? But I know but then to argue as I know I am already I enough trouble as it is.

So instead I ask, "Where are we going." At the very end my voice cracks and is sore from crying and screaming. Even though I have been ripped away from my family and being sent to some mysterious place, I am determined to make sure they don't see that they have beaten me. I am not going to let this defeat me, I am not going to give up not matter what happens to me, wherever they take me. I never get answer to my question and the only logic I have for the Officer not answering is that wherever I am going is either very dangerous or top secret, maybe both.

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