Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-Willow's POV: Flashback-

"Hey baby, what's wrong?" Kennedy was sitting in the corner looking at me with fire in her eyes. I hate when she's like this.

"Don't talk to me." She snapped. Her scowl grew deeper. I knew why she was mad, but I couldn't do anything about it.

"Kennedy, you knew it was only temporary. If I could give you full slayer powers forever, you know I would!"

"How do I know that?" She said, "You're incredibly powerful. How do I know that you aren't just worried that I would overpower you and make you feel insignificant?" I was completely stunned. "How could you even think that?"

"You made me feel amazing, like I could do anything I wanted to. I was indestructible! Then you took that away from me. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?" She was crying now.

I felt terrible. "Oh, baby, don't cry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I've looked for spells to fix it, I really have, but there are none that I can perform safely."

"Safely? So, you mean you can give me back my powers if we take a risk?" She was getting excited, but I knew I couldn't do it.

"No! You know what happens if I get too deep into magic. I can't let that happen. Not again. I will not hurt anymore people!"

"But Willow, it's me. I can't believe you won't do this for me! You're being such a bitch!" She was getting angry again, but so was I.

"Kennedy, you are supposed to be a leader. You have a lot of young girls looking up to you and counting on you to make the right decisions. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the good of the group. How dare you ask me to risk the safety of everyone I care about for your selfish reasons!"

Kennedy walked up to me and came so close that our noses were almost touching. "You will remember this conversation. I will make sure you never forget it. Not ever." She stormed out of the house and slammed the door behind her. Even without slayer powers, she managed to slam the door so hard that a picture frame fell off the wall and shattered. I walked over to it and picked it up. It was a picture of me and Tara. She would have never asked me to take a risk like that. Oh god how I miss her. I broke down and started sobbing into the carpet. I never thought I was going to be able to stop and I probably wouldn't have if Buffy hadn't walked in, carried me to bed, and sat with me until I fell asleep. I still don't know where Kennedy went, but I'm beginning to not care.

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