Be strong, God is with us!

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Joshua 1:9:
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Whenever people try to bring me down, I always try think of God's almighty power. Why should we let people bully us and walk all over us when we have God on our sides. God! The Almighty Father, Creator of the Earth and the Heavens! So why should we fear of other people who want to bring us down?

The message isn't to become arrogant and proud but the message is for you to stay humble and remember that God is with you. Have faith!

None is greater than God and all those people pushing you down are all haters and they're only doing that because they see the light in you. You are a child of the light, so let your light shine bright for the whole world to see God's goodness.

Don't become frail and weak, become humble and courageous in the Lord. Fear is a choice and we make that choice. There is greatness in all of us and that seed is planted within us and in due season it'll sprout out into a beautiful plant and it'll amaze everyone (Mark 4;26-29).

It's never too late to start to be courageous, please pray this simple prayer with me:
Heavenly Father,
I thank you for all your great goodness in my life, I thank you for all the angels you send to protect me throughout the day and night. Lord, I pray that the seed of courage and greatness that you have planted within me, grows into a beautiful plant that the whole world may witness and see that you are good.
I pray that you come before me today and you help me be courageous and strong in you. We send this prayer through Jesus Christ Our Lord,

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