Whoose side are you on?

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We need to decide who's side are we on.

We can't be both, we must choose one, Heaven or Hell. God or Satan. The World or Jesus. You must make a decision rapidly because we are in perilous times and Jesus is coming.
Are you a follower of God, or a follower of the world? Many Christians are walking into hell without even realising.

When I first accepted Jesus I didn't really think small things in my life, such as music, really mattered. But as I developed a better relationship with God, I realised that those small aspects of our life really do matter.
I was listening to all sorts of ungodly music and I didn't find anything wrong with it, but it does.

What we do, reflects our beliefs. If we wish to follow God in spirit and in truth we have to make sure that ALL aspects of our lives reflect Him and Him only.
You see, that is where I was going wrong. I wasn't fully devoting myself to God, I still had small parts of my life that didn't quite reach God's standards.

The reason why we have to live our lives to reflect our beliefs, is so that when people see us, they will be drawn to God's love and see that we are a perfect example of the way Jesus lived and the way we should live.

Even now, although I listen to godly music and I try as hard as I can to reflect Jesus in everything I do, there are some moments that I say a bad word here and there or I gossip, but I'm working it. Obviously, we are all not perfect but we can be "good enough" for Christ by doing as He has instructed.

Heaven and Hell is so real and we need to choose where we are going and start living like it.
It's time for you to repent if you haven't already, it's time for you to turn your life around and ask God for forgiveness.

The time is now!, stop wasting your precious time. Jesus is coming back at anytime, so we have to be ready! Don't be a half and half Christian! Go for God all the way with no stopping. Don't let anyone deceive you into thinking that Heaven and Hell doesn't exist.

I am not trying to scare you, I am trying to help you and draw you to My king, the Messiah!
If you haven't already accepted Jesus, please read my first chapter, Accepting Jesus.

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