Chapter 3: The Lightning Storm in Space

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"Captains log star date 2356.74: Are are en route to star base McKinley above Planet Earth to be decommissioned. We have just defeated the Reman ship Scimitar and my clone Shinzon. The Romulans have helped us repair our ship back to full strength, though how they got all those Federation materials is beyond me. We have lost an exemplatory star fleet officer and friend with the death of lieutenant commander Data. He died, to save my life. However, through a bit of inspired engineering Commander La Forge was able to implant several of Data's character routines into Lore's programming. It is not the same but it is better than having completely lost my friend. The Enterprise E will be repared and given to Commander Ryker. Lieutenant Word has been offered a position by Gowron, leader of the Klingon High Council. Counselor Deanna Troi will be staying on board with the new captain, her new husband. Commander La Forge will be leaving to become a teacher at star fleet academy. I will retire to Rysa."

However, while Captain Picard was packing, something strange happened. Lieutenant Worf noticed it first. "Captain, we are picking up something strange off our port bow." "What is it?" "Some sort of gravitational disturbance, captain." "I'm on my way." Captain Picard left his quarters and headed for the bridge.

The turbo lift doors opened and Captain Picard stepped out. "Lieutenant Worf status update." " Captain, the gravimetric disturbance is taking shape." "On screen." The picture appears on the view screen. Commander Ryker stands up with an astonished look on his face."Is that a lightning storm in space?" The captain turns to Worf. What kind of readings are you getting?" "They are similar to what is commonly known as a black hole."

"Sir!" The ensign at the controls shouted out. "We are caught in the singularity's gravitational pull." "Go to maximum warp! shouted the captain." "Sir it's no good!" " Oh where's Data when you need him." Sir we are being pulled inside." The Enterprise slowly drifts towards the gaping mouth of the black hole until it pulls the ship and her crew inside.

The Enterprise emerges into space somewhere unknown. "Lieutenant report!" shouts the commander. "Shield and weapons offline. Long range sensors inoperative. But sir, short range sensors detect a smaller starship off the starboard stern." "What type is it? Ferengi? Romulan? Klingon?" "No sir, it appears to be an earlier model of a Federation ship." "What's its designation?" "........umm sir? Its destination is NCC 1701. That's the Enterprise." "Sir we are being hailed." "On screen." "This is Captain James T Kirk of the starship Enterprise, to whom and of what race do I have the honor of making their acquaintence?"

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