Chapter 6

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Ahmad felt pure. A feeling of a happiness that is indestructible; and this happiness is one that can only be felt after doing a deed pleasing to Allah while continuing on a right path.

Ahmad walked down the street listening to the birds around chirping, praising Allah in ways He (Allah) knows best.

Suddenly Mo came around the corner unexpectedly.

"Ahmad! So good to see you again!" Mo called out.

Ahmad smiled.

"Where are you off too?" Mo asked.

"Well...I...To be honest Mo, I am going to the Masjid."

"What!!! Are you mad?! That place?!"

"Listen Mo. You won't understand until you open your eyes."

"And are your eyes open?"

"I am at least trying."

"Ha! You can live your life in boredom Ahmad, but at the end of the day, some day I will be in the same Heaven as you, and then you will regret not having fun now."

"Mo! How are you so sure of entering Paradise?"

"Yes! Because Allah and His Prophet (saws) said."

"We are in no situation to start interpreting Hadith Mo. Anyway, do you really think that the people of Paradise will regret not doing sinful things? In fact it would be the complete opposite."

"I cannot believe you have gotten brainwashed Ahmad. But I know a way to change your mind..." Ahmad smirked towards Mo and quickly ran off.

"...Oh no! What is he up too..?" Ahmad thought to himself.

Ahmad continued on towards the Masjid.

As Ahmad walked towards the doors of the Masjid, the hairs on his body stood on end.

"...This is it..." Ahmad said to himself as he opened the door of the Masjid and entered.

Inside was empty. Inside was very quiet. Ahmad walked over to the corner of the Masjid and sat down facing the Qibla.

"Ya Allah! Forgive me! I am so scared of you now. I have done so much that you hate, yet you did not take my soul..." For two whole hours Ahmad cried and spoke to Allah. Tears streamed down his face. In fact, he cried so much the carpet beneath his face was wet with tears.

Time past on. Suddenly the local Sheik entered the room and spotted Ahmad. He stood for a moment listening to Ahmad's Du'a. He was so moved by it, his eyes began to shed tears. He slowly approached Ahmad and carefully comforted him. Ahmad jumped slightly.

"Oh Sheik...I...I am sorry for..." Ahmad said embarrassed, but before he could finish the Sheik said:

"Ahmad. It's ok. I see that you feel embarrassed, but that is good. It is better to be embarrassed than one who shows off." The Sheik said as he smiled towards Ahmad.

"Your father and mother would be really proud of you. But most and best of all, you have submitted your whole self to Allah." The Sheik continued on.

"I angered my parents oh Sheik. How can I make them happy?" Ahmad said.

"You have already made them happy when they see you now. Your father is very proud of you."

"I mean, I want to get them something nice, as a gift."

"Hmm. Well, you can get your mother some flowers or chocolate, and your father some perfume maybe?"

Ahmad smiled and said, "Wonderful idea. I will do that."

"Here." The Sheik said as he handed Ahmad two small pieces of paper and a pen.

"Write a small message to each of your parents and stick it on the gifts when you buy them." The sheik said.

Ahmad began to write down small messages to his mother and father on the separate pages.

"Jazak Allah Kher Sheik. I cannot wait to get back and see my parents smile!" Ahmad said ecstatically as he got up.

"Barak Allah Fekum Ahmad! I cannot wait for 'Ishah prayer tonight to see you and your father come Inshah'Allah!" The Sheik replied smiling.

"You will see us both Inshah'Allah!" Ahmad answered.

Ahmad gave the Sheik a big hug and began to make his journey towards some local shops.

Ahmad spent some time selecting some gifts for his parents with the money he got. He managed to buy some lovely perfume for his father and a delicious box of chocolates for his mother. After buying the gifts he stuck the small messages on them and prepared his blessed journey home.

Time ticks away...Not a single Human or Jinn on this Earth has realised that Allah has just ordered the Angels of Death to prepare to take a few peoples soul including Ahmad's...!

Ahmad begins his journey home still constantly seeking Allah's forgiveness...Mo with a half dressed girl in his arm spots Ahmad from a distance and smirks making his way towards Ahmad preparing to perform his disgusting sinful plan...A pious elderly Muslim lady prepares to cross the road...Ahmad begins to cross the road...Mo quickly runs to the centre of the road and calls out, "Yo Ahmad! Look at the chick I got for you! She can be yours right now!"

"...Oh no! Ya Allah help me...!" Ahmad says to himself trying his best to keep staring towards the ground, knowing that his weak point are women...The pious elderly Muslim lady begins to cross the road...And then death prepares to strike from all angles!!!

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